CHAPTER 6: Dance?

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TIME SKIP: The next day


I got to school early in the morning to greet Hoseok a big Wassup liar in the face, want to know why? You'll knew later. I entered the room and as expected he's already at his chair, with his earphones on. I took them out and he looked at me scared that it was someone else but when he saw me he calmed down

"Wassup! Liar!" I yelled and he was shocked "Wh-what? What did I do!" he said and I crossed my arms

"No dance competition I see" I said and he get it now "Look, I have a reason why I didn't told you" he said "Well I want to hear it" I said

"Well if I told you that there's a dance competition for the foundation day, then you'll force me to join all week, but we know I can't so what's the point when I won't join anyway" he explained which is right

"Hey, I just want you to show your talents but I am not forcing you" I said and he sigh "I know" he said as I took a seat beside him.

"Wait" he said sitting up straight "What?" I asked him "Where did you get that information?" he asked

"Aish, Hoseok I am friends with almost everyone in school so why won't I know it?" I said and he frown "Why didn't I saw that coming" he said and I laugh at him

"Well you can't deal about it anyway" I teased and he put his head down

"Wait was that a guitar?" I asked once I saw it when he put his head on his desk "Where?" he asked putting his head up

"There" I pointed beside him "Oh this?" he said grabbing it "Well this is not mine, but now I knew the owner, can you give it to her?" he asked

"Who is it then" I asked taking the guitar to my hands

"Aerum" he said and I choked on my saliva "bItcH WhaT!" I yelled "What?" he asked

"Aerum as in Nam Aerum, the girl I introduced yesterday?!" I said "Yes?" he said confused

"Well, first of all, She has a guitar! Then second of all, why do you have this!" I yelled and he sighs

"Just give it to her, it's a long story" he replied so I frown "I better have an explanation after this" I said and then our teacher came.

Well as you can see, me and Hoseok are classmates, and Aerum was my classmate in our specialization class, that's why I am right here now.

TIME SKIP: Last Subject (Specialization)

Once it's our final subject, instead of going the separate ways I drag Hoseok to the Vocal's classroom and shove him the guitar

"You stay here and I'll call Aerum, you two unsociable brat need to communicate" I said "But"

"No buts mister" I said being the sassy mom I am

"Fine" he said in defeat

I entered the room and greeted Aerum "Hey Aerum" I said and she looked at me then smiled "Hello" she said

"I have a surprise for you" I said and she was confused "Surprise? What is it?" she asked

"Come with me and you'll see" I said so she stand up and follow me to the door

"Here, here's the surprise" I said but when I looked to where I left Hoseok, he's not there

"That brat!" I cursed under my breath and was about to run around and find him but Aerum speak

"My guitar! Where did you find this? Wait how did you find this?" she asked with mix emotion, Shock and anxious

"Actually it was not me, but Hoseok who found it" I explained "Oh" she said and I can see that she was back at her ease

"But where is he? I want to thank him" she said but I rolled my eyes "Probably chickened out when I pull you out the room" I whispered "What?" she asked

"Oh HAHAHAH I said that we will meet him later!" I said "Oh okay!" she said "Let's go now?" I asked and we both entered the room and started to practice our song.

Just you two wait, I have a plan for you two. When I say that you two match I'll make sure you two will.

(Again, shout out to my friends who never ended shipping me to their wanted guy for me, May I rest in Peace, Kidding now back to the story)


When Sanha went inside their room, I begun to panic and when I saw that they are about to went out I put the guitar at the side and run for my damn life, I hid at the nearest hallway and peek on where they are. Once Sanha went out and saw I was not there he looked so pissed and I saw him muttered 'that brat' but what got my attention was Aerum's reaction, she was so happy and she looks cute when she smile, wonder why Sanha said that she was like me when I don't even smile and she did.

I continued to watch them until they went back inside the room, I sighed in relief and sat down, I look at my watch and realized I was going to be late

"Aish, Yoon Sanha" I said and run to where the Dance class are rooming "I'm going to be late" I said as I continued to run fast. When I opened the room I was confused "Where are they?" I asked myself

"Aish, they are on the practice for the competition, how silly is this" I said while I momentarily curse myself

Once I turned around to go home I receive a text message



Stay and wait for me after class let's go the mall


Why so sudden?


Cause I say so?




Okay Thanks!

"What is this boy up to again? Gosh, why is he always so hyped up, I can't even say no to him" I said putting my phone back to my pocket and waited for Sanha at the main gate

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