CHAPTER 10: Thinking About it

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"Do you want some?" Sanha asked giving me some ice cream as we walk back to our district "Sure?" I said and he handed me one as he continued eating his own food, we continued to walk silently until Sanha started talking

"So?" he started "What so?" I asked and he sighed

"Your decision?" he asked and this time it was my turn to sigh "Can I tell you that tomorrow?" I asked and he thinks for a second before answering

"Fine I guess" he said and neither did I know that it's his house that was in front us

"I guess you're thinking about many things" Sanha added "Why?" I asked "Because I am in my house now, but you still didn't notice it" he said, I look in front and he was right

"Oh Sorry, I'll get going now" I apologized "Okay, see you tomorrow" Sanha said and we waved goodbye

Once I reached our house I open the gates quietly and the door silently, I walked slowly so I won't wake anyone, especially mom. But in the midst of walking the lights on the Kitchen lit up, I didn't know what to do so I stand there frozen but when I took a clearer glance on who opened the lights gladly it was dad

"Where have you been mister?" he asked me and I sigh

"I thought your mom, gladly it was you dad, I went out to take some fresh air" I said and he furrowed his eyebrows

"And why is that?" dad again asked

"Well actually, it's about a.............. Competition?" I hesitantly said and dad just smiled

"Come here son" he said motioning me to sit with him, I followed his orders and sit with him

"You know that I am most likely not like your mom, I will support you no matter what, but I can't promise that I can support you anymore once your mom find out, okay? So think about it" he explained

"I know that dad, but I don't want to let down my friend who I've been letting down for years already, I also want to try and join to some dance competitions but I've been restraining myself from it, I just don't know what to do" I explained

"Well, Hoseok it's up to you can you handle it once you mom knew?" dad said and I kind of think about it

Can I really handle it if mom gets angry? What will she do? Will she sue me or curse at me? What do I do?

Questions keep on circling around my head but I got no choice, I've already decided

"Dad" I called out and he look at me waiting for my next words "Will you keep it a secret?" I asked and suddenly a grin formed on his face

"Of course! Why not! I've been waiting for years so you can finally man up and go against your mom!" dad exclaimed and I was shocked

"You what?!" I whisper yelled

"What? Why not? She's my wife, yes but your also my son, so I don't give a fuck" he said and a laugh escaped my lips

"I am sure you have a very tiring day, go and sleep now before your mom discovered you went home late" Dad said and I nod

"Good night dad" I said "Good night" he replied and went to his shared room with mom after I entered my room

I flopped down to my bed and sigh "So it is final then" I said to myself "There's no turning back anymore" I said and fall asleep, not even minding to change my clothes since I was very tired...............


"What should I do now?" I asked myself while struggling to figure things out

Since my talk to mom and Hoseok, I can't stop thinking about the competition, I was stuck on if I should try it or not, and I was very confused

I take a look on my wall clock and sigh, it's already getting late and my thoughts are being a barrier to my sleep, I was being uneasy

While fiddling around my bed I suddenly come to think of something

My mom......

MY mom wants me to join the competition, and wants to watch it, should I do it for mom? Should I stop my fears then, but what if I mess up?

Some questions with answer and with not keep on running through my mind and I can't take it no more

I went down to get some glass of water from the kitchen to clear my mind, I took a glass from the cupboard, and open the fridge to get some cold water, but when I closed the fridge I saw a picture

It was somewhere in my childhood days, when mom can still sing and walk around, mom was holding a microphone and on her arms was me, mom looks like she was trying to make me sing, I don't know who took it but I felt happy when I saw this

I smile with teary eyes as I miss the old days, I never blamed my parents on why we have a broken family cause I know the reasons but I missed my old family, the days we are happy together.......

I put my glass down to the counter and grab the picture that was magnetized on the fridge; I took a closer look at it and touch it softly

"I'll do it for you, mom" I said

"I promise" I added before sticking it back to the fridge

I walk to moms room and knock softly surprisingly she was awake when I opened the door

"Mom? Why are you still awake?" I asked her

"How about you? Why are you still awake?" she asked back and I sigh

"I was just thinking about things" I said

"Did you got answers?" she asked and I was surprised

"I knew you so well, I knew that you we're being problematic since the time you asked me about the competition" she softly explained and I smiled

"Well, I got answers mom" I said "What is it then?" she asked

"I'll join the competition" I said and she smiled before hugging me

"I know that you can do it, I'll support you up to my best" she said before breaking the hug

"I'll do it for you mom, I promise" I said and smiled with her................

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