CHAPTER 8: Abandoned Building

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After I left to go home, I immediately went to mom's room to see her sleeping peacefully, I check the time first before going to the kitchen to cook dinner, after that I went back to mom's room and woke her up

"Mom? Wake up" I gently shook her body and in an immediate response she woke up "Aerum? Your home?" she said and I smiled

I help her sit up and took the food I cook for her, I give it to her and help her when she needed help, while she was busy eating I went back to the kitchen to get her medicine and water, once I got back she already finished the food I cooked so I took the bowl and gave her the medicine and water.

"Hey mom" I said once she put the glass of water down

"Yes?" she replied "Did Mrs. Kim take care of you?" I asked "Oh Mrs. Kim? Yes she did she spend her whole noon here like she always do" she said

"Glad she did" I said before smiling

"Hey Aerum, can you help me? I want to watch the TV but I can't stand up" mom said and I'll be lying if that didn't hit my heart

"Okay mom, let's go" I said before assisting her to stand up and walk to the living room, while assisting her I can really feel that she can't walk anymore, I can feel that she's already tired, and I can feel how much burden she's trying to fight right now.

I help her sit down on the couch and gave her the remote, after that I went to her room to take some blanket and pillows

"Hey mom?" I called out and she looked at me "I'll head out for a while okay, don't wait for me when you can't anymore, sleep okay? I'll woke you up once I'm here" I said and she sigh before nodding

"Take care please, it's already dark outside" she reminded "I won't head far, I promise" I said before heading to my room to change my clothes since I can't go out wearing my uniform

I grab some decent clothes and wore it


I head to the front door, but before closing it I asked mom a question

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I head to the front door, but before closing it I asked mom a question

"Mom" I said "Yes honey?" she replied "If I were to dance in sing in front of everyone, what will you do?" I asked

"Sing and dance in front of everyone? I would like to see you do that! I would love to, and I'll make sure to support you" she said and I can tell she was very excited

"Okay, thanks mom, I'll head out now" I said "Be home early" she replied and finally I closed the door

I decided to walk around even the night breeze was really cold, but in the end, I end up going to the abandoned building again. I entered the building and went to my usual spot. But instead of singing or anything, for the first time I don't know what am I doing here. I just heave a sigh and after that I can hear some footsteps again. I didn't even flinch or anything because I knew who is it, while trying to mind my own business a empty can suddenly rolled to where I am sitting.

At last the boy named Hoseok showed up, at first he was flustered but soon calmed down.

"Why are you here?" he asked but I shrug "I don't know too" I said

"How about you?" I asked him "I've got no idea at all" he said sitting beside me

"Mind if I ask a question?" he said "No, go on" I said

"Are you sure?" he said "I am sure, now head on and ask your question" I replied and he sigh

"Why..... Did you decline Sanha's offer? Like what's up with your mom, is she like my mom too?" he finally asked and I looked down

"Shit, did I say something bad? Sorry I didn't mean to" he started to panic

"My mom" I started and he stopped "My mom was a signer from before, but then he meet my dad who was good at signing too, at first they live happily but then dad choose his job over us, saying he can't gave up his career, after that mom quit her job for me but the worst thing is she caught a disease, Vocal cord paralysis, at may look like it was not serious but it was bad, it's a life threatening disease..........................that's why I don't know what to do, that's why I can't sing that much, I am.........afraid" I finally said it, the story I can't even tell to Sanha, the story I told to someone I just met by accident. I thought he will said that I was over reacting or something but he started to share his story too

"Well my mom? She doesn't support me at all, she thinks my dancing and rapping is just a waste of time and that I should study first, I knew that I should study but all I want is a support from her, why can't she understand that?" he said and I looked at him who was currently looking front

"So that's why you can't join?" I asked "Well, I told Sanha that I'll think about it so, maybe yes, maybe no" he said

"Thanks" he added "Wait, why?" I asked "For answering my question and also for telling me your story" he explained

"Hope you can keep it" I said "I'll keep it like how Sanha keep it, don't worry" he said and I got curious

"Did he tell you something?" I asked "Nope but he just gave me a clue; he said that you're like me but with a different story, that's all" he answered honestly and I sigh in relief

"I'm glad I can really trust him" I said "You can trust me too" He said and I look to his way

"Thanks" I said............












"You Brats!" 

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