CHAPTER 3: Meeting you in the Dark

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"Jung Hoseok! Come back here!" try to guess who's shouting "We're not done talking mister!" Mom yelled as I went out of the gate.

Mom and I had another argument and the reason is because I asked her if I could join a competition in dancing, I just simply asked her but she replied aggressively that's why I decided to went out for a while not considering the fact that it was already dark. While I was walking I walk pass through the abandoned building where I always dance and realize I was already far from home. But instead of going back I decided to dance for a while. When I entered the building it was really quiet and I like it. I went deeper inside the building until I reached the 3rd floor.

First I took a rest since it's a very far journey, I stared outside and the moon was shinning bright, I wonder why it's still dark here in the building when the moon was big and bright. I sit there for more than minutes until I decided to took out my phone and play some random music I can dance to. At first I was all so bored and didn't know what exactly to do since my mind is still bothered by mom and just keep on switching to new music until something caught my attention

"Simon Says Remix?" I said, more like asked myself "I didn't remember downloading this" I said and pushed the play button

I found it very energetic and interesting and I really like it and without me knowing I just dance to the song free style. I want to search for the choreography video but there was no signal here and if I search it back home, mom might and will broke my phone, lethal right? What also caught my attention in the song is the rap part

"Jumuneul oewo I'm GOD, Neohuireul hollyeo like wow, NCT we all so sexy, NCT noise you can't break me,Nuganal yokhae who, Bless me achoo, Simon says be cool, Don't Be such a fool" I sing along and it was so cool. I kept dancing to this song until I heard a guitar playing. At first I didn't mind and think there was someone else, but then realize

"How come there's someone else?!" I said and turned off my phone.


It was already 8:20 and I was all alone in the abandoned building near our house, all I have was my guitar and the bright moon shinning inside the room. I was here since 4:00 and if you're wondering why I'm here so early and still hear so late, I am from the doctor with mom for her check up, everything was fine but then the doctor told me that mom's illness is getting worse day by day. Mom and I went home and I didn't tell her anything about what the doctor said, I just told her to rest and I am leaving. And that's how I ended up here

It was so quiet and I want to fill the silence with music so I took my guitar and started playing Lost Stars, that piece is the only piece I completely perfected, I don't know why but I like the song so much and it match the surrounding very well.

"Please don't see just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies, Please see me reaching out for someone I can't see" I started singing as I started to pluck my guitar.

"Take my hand let's see where we wake up tomorrow, Best laid plans sometimes are just a one night stand" I continued singing and closed my eyes

I was too mesmerized at singing and playing the guitar that I didn't heard any sounds at all except for my guitar, until I heard someone shouted

"How come there's someone else!?" I heard and I didn't know what to do since all that I know I was also alone in here.

Being the curious girl I am I started walking to where the voice came from, slowly as I walk I can hear footsteps coming from where I was going

"Hello?" I called out and I heard a gasp

I walk any further and the footsteps also get closer and closer until I or we reached the middle, the roof was off and this spot is where the moon shines really bright. The walls in this place was also broken which make it more bright and cold. Since it was very bright I covered my eyes a little so that my eyes can adjust to the brightness. When I removed the cover of my eyes I met some pair of eyes. My eyes widen like his and at the same time we shouted

"Who are you!!" we yelled and step back from each other, which make us harder to see each other's faces.

I took a step backwards slowly and calmly but when he talked again I was more shock

"Who are you!?" he asked and I was in a panic "Don't come closer!" I yelled

But he just keeps on walking towards me so while he was not so close I took my chance to slowly step back then run out as fast as I can

Once I arrived home I went directly to my room and shut it tight

"Who is that?!"I asked myself while panting

"was that a ghost? Have I gone crazy?" I said before messing my hair like a crazy person

I sat back at my bed and stared at the air for a while and think to myself

What was that boy doing there? Is he's not a ghost how did he end up getting there? Am I not alone all this time? Did he heard all of my conversations to thin air when I am there!? Oh shit!

"This day just keeps on getting better every time" I said before flopping back to my bed and cover my face with my arms "I am so confused" I said before sighing






(AN: I changed the plot since it didn't matched the introductions at all)

I Meet You in the Dark ||Jung Hoseok Fanfic||Where stories live. Discover now