CHAPTER 7: Try it?

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TIME SKIP: After Classes


When the bell rings I stay still and minutes later I saw Sanha coming my way as expected but what I didn't expect is she was dragging Aerum with her

"Hoseok-ah!" he yelled but I didn't reply "Hoseok! You there?!" he yelled straight at my ear and I flinched

"What was that for!?" I asked him but he smiled at me "Why are you spacing out then?" he asked and I looked away

"Nothing" I said "Well, if that so let's go!" he yelled cheerfully and I just sighed "Okay" I said and let Sanha drag me along with Aerum

He didn't let go of our wrist until we reached the café inside the mall, he let go of us when we three are seated as if he was trying to prevent someone from escaping, he looked at me then at Aerum back and forth until he got tired of it

"Still not talking you two?" he said "It's not like that" I said

"Then why are you two holding back?" Sanha asked "it's not like that, it's just that it was very awkward when the two of us meet" Aerum said
"Where did even the two of you meet?!" Sanha said "Long story" she said and Sanha frown before looking at me

"Speaking of long story" he said and I gulped "Do I have to?" I asked and he nod

"I got Aerum's guitar because....." I started talking and I looked at her, she was very worried and was mouthing that he doesn't know, at first I didn't get it until I realized that Sanha didn't know the abandoned building thing

"It's just we kind of bump to each other and she left her guitar after running away..... Yeah... that...." I said trying to hide some lies.

"Oh that's it?" Sanha asked "Yeah that's it" Aerum said "Where's the awkward thing there?" he asked again

"Well.... Uh....." I started to zoom out "Sorry but that's a secret" Aerum said "Oh okay" Sanha said before smiling again

"What should we order?" he asked and I looked over the menu "I think I'll have Strawberry shortcake" I said "I'll have what you like" Aerum said to Sanha "Then one Strawberry shortcake and two red velvet cupcake then" Sanha said before going to the counter

I was all so quiet until Aerum speak "He-hey um, Hoseok?" she said and I looked at her but she's looking down "Ye-yeah?" I said "Thanks" she said and I flinched

"Fo-for what?" I asked "For giving me back my guitar and for covering me up" she said and I didn't know how but a small smile appeared on my face "its fine" I said and all of a sudden without me noticing, I felt comfortable around her.

She looked at me and saw me smiling at her so she returned it, suddenly Sanha came almost dropping the tray down

"I just left for a minute and when I came back, I found a new discovery?!" he said over reacting "Since when did you learn to smile?" He added putting the food in the table and the tray at the side

"Would you stop teasing me" I said and he chuckled "Sure, but I was just stating the truth" he said and I sigh "Sure whatever you say" I said and started eating the sweets we ordered.

While eating Sanha started talking again "So, you guys" he started and we looked at him, he chewed his food first before continuing "You must be wondering why we're here" he said "Yeah, why are we here?" Aerum asked

"Well, I know there's this someone who's good in dancing and rapping here, and the other one is good at both singing and dancing too" he said

"Oh boy I know where's this going" I said "Shut up, I am not done yet" he shush me up

"I know very well that the two of you can't perform in front of many people, but can you two at least do it for me" he pleaded

"How? You know very well I can't" Aerum said "Me too, I can't" I said

"But the two of you had hidden talents, you two should try" he said trying his best to convince us

"But I'm afraid" me and Aerum both said at the same time, which make us look at each other in surprise, we turn our gaze back at Sanha when we heard him sigh

"Please?" he said but I can't do anything "Sorry but, you know my mom won't like it" I said

Sanha looks at Aerum "Sorry, you knew my mom's situation right?" she said and Sanha sighed even deeper

"Convincing part 199, failed" he said, and yes he tried to convince me a lot of time already "Sorry Sanha I just can't, let's just focus on our project" Aerum said before standing up

"I think I'll go first" she added and left us there, my eyes followed her presence until she left the café and then turned back to Sanha after; he looked so upset and sad so I sighed

"You know what? I'll think about it" I said and he looked at me "Really? No joke?" he asked and stands up

"I said I'll think about it" I make it clear "I heard that but are you really serious about that!?" he asked and slowly his frown turned into a smile "Yeah" I said and he jump before clapping his hands

"At least my efforts didn't go to waste right? At least you'll think about it" he said before grabbing his bag

"Let's go home!" he cheerfully said and once again here I am being drag by the one and only Yoon Sanha

"You're lucky you're my friend" I said "Your only friend By the way" he said and I glare at him while he just laugh at me

"Look at your face, HAHAHAHAH" he continued to laugh until I hit his head "Ow! That hurts!" he yelled

"If I didn't hit you where would you sleep? My house?" I asked him and he was confused

"Your home" I said and when he look to his left "Ohh, sorry! HAHAHA bye see you tomorrow!" he greeted me bye and I just nod and walk back to my home.......

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