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After the fight back at home, I was now standing outside of Sanha's house. I rung the doorbell and in an automatic response the main door fly opened revealing Sanha. At first he tried to recognize me from a far but when he saw it was me, he immediately run to the gate to open it up for me. He looks at me up and down before asking.

"What happen to you?" he asked but I just smile it off "It's nothing" I replied

"Apparently, you have bruises and you have some laguage with you, mind explaining?" Sanha asked seeing right through me

I heave a sigh before answering "I'll tell you inside, but for now I need a place to stay" I plead

"What can I do? You're my friend so, let's go" he said opening the gate even more wide so the things I brought with me will fit in.

Once it did I took a seat at the sofa waiting for Sanha who was closing the door. Once he looks at me again I know he's worried because it's visible through his eyes

"I thought you only have bruises, but now you have scars and wounds? What happened for real?" He asked

"I'm fine, this wounds and scars are nothing compared to what Aerum is going through" I said, because it's true though her mom is sick and she has to do a lot of sacrifices for the two of them.

"Okay if you think so, but you have to stay still, I'll get the first aid upstairs so we can treat your wounds" He said and I nodded signing him to go

Once he came back, he took a seat next to me and opens the first aid kit; he took some ice pack, disinfectant, cottons, band aid, and alcohol. He took my hand to get a closer look at my arms; once he did he went to the kitchen to get a wet cloth so he can remove the blood that has poured out a while ago.

After cleaning the blood away, he applied the disinfectant and to his surprised I didn't hiss

"Are you fine?" he asked but he got no replies, I was zooming out to the point I can't feel anything at all.

Meanwhile Sanha, after getting no response from me, he continued what he was doing, once the disinfectant has stopped bubbling, he took the cotton and out some alcohol on it. He pressed it at all the wounds I have from head to toe. After that he took out some adhesive pads to cover my wounds

Next stop was my scars, he cleans them too but he just put some alcohol since it's just scars, after that he covered it with band aids. Once done, he went to the fridge to get some ice to put on the ice pack, came back and I knew he was talking to me but I was too distracted

"Hoseok! For the 7th time!" he yelled and this time I finally snapped "What has gotten in to you?" Sanha asked but he receive no reply

"Here, apply this to your bruises it will help to heal it and also lessen the pain" He said giving me the ice pack

"Mind telling me why are your laguage with you in the middle of the night trying to find a place to stay" Sanha questions and I knew this will come

"What happened is actually................."


Mom just keeps on throwing and throwing stuffs, she just happened to stop not because dad is stopping her, she stopped because she run out of things to throw, mom got out of dad's grasp so easily and she make her way to me. I still had my head down but I knew she was in front of me now

"If you think you're so good, and you can disobey me like that then go!" she yelled then I suddenly felt a pain in my cheeks, I look at mom in disbelief and dad was shocked

"Honey, you can't just tell your son to leave!" Dad said trying his best to convince mom, but instead he receive a cold glare

"For what I knew, I don't have a son who has a brain for a nut and a head for a rock! I don't have a son who disobeys me! And I don't have a son like him!" mom yelled

"Now pack your things and get out of my freaking house!" she added and with that I rushed back to my room,

I took out my cloths and put them to my laguage and make sure I don't have any stuffs that I own to be left behind, I left my room and it was a relief mom was not there. I don't want to see her, I might cry in front of her...

I went out of the door and the gate. I took a glance at our house before finally walking away......


After I've told Sanha what happened he sat there in full sadness and distress

"You know what? You can stay here forever I won't mind, you've been through a lot already and I can't add up thing to that" Sanha said taking my laguage

"Hey, where are you bringing those" I said referring to my laguage

"To your room" he said so I also help him carry my laguage as I walk behind him, right beside the kitchen of his house I didn't expect there was a room there

He opened the door and it was wide

"This was actually the guest room but you can have this room" Sanha said putting the Laguage beside

"No this was fine it was too big too" I said "Well if you think so, go and take a rest and just unpack tomorrow we'll get help" Sanha said and I nod

"Okay, Good night and Sorry for the trouble" I said "It's fine, now go to sleep" Sanha said before leaving the me for privacy.

I Meet You in the Dark ||Jung Hoseok Fanfic||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon