"It's not," Namjoon cut him off too quickly. His tone was polite but clear as day, she wasn't going to be mentioned a second time. He sighed, resting his hands on his hips while he looked out of their living room window, this was starting to get scary. Namjoon did not act this way... ever.


"Shall we just move away? Take our trust funds and build our own careers abroad? That doesn't sound like too bad of a plan, right Taehyung?"

Under normal circumstances, Taehyung would have laughed. Namjoon had always been a funny guy— but he wasn't joking, at least not entirely. before he could ask him, Jungkook walked into the living room and threw himself on one of the couches. "You know, the worst thing about not taking drugs is the boredom."

Namjoon sent Jungkook an unamused look, "Is that right?"

"Yeah, I need something to do. I got it!" Jungkook exclaimed, shooting up to look at the two of them. "The gym! Is anyone up for the gym? Come on."

"Can't do the gym, I've got a class I need to shadow." Sighing, Namjoon threw his head back. "Now that you've decided no one needs to watch Lorelei, it seems I'm doing this extra work all for nothing."

Jungkook sent Taehyung the 'you're in deep shit' look. "Jungkook," Namjoon turned on him. "I know we can pass and graduate the easy way but that doesn't mean that we can just skip every single little academic duty. We should at least put a little work in. See you both later for dinner, don't forget it. Jin wants everyone there on time."

"What did I do?" Jungkook asked, throwing her hands in the air once Namjoon left. "That was totally because he's frustrated with you, hyung. That's not fair at all."

"Well I'm sure your unwavering determination in putting in no effort in anything academic related doesn't help," Taehyung said pointedly, he wasn't going to take the fall for the entire thing.

"But you obviously did more than I did," Jungkook argued. "I've been good!"

"Saying you miss doing hard drugs isn't considered great," Taehyung countered. "Don't assume we've relaxed on that, not even a bit."

Jungkook stood up, his posture defensive. "That's shit, hyung. We all have partaken in it, it's not right to act like it's just been me that's had a substance abuse problem the entire time. Hell, everyone in this family needs a morning scotch just to get through the day!"

"And yet, none of us have gotten arrested, jumped or actually caught with cocaine on us!"

Jungkook reeled back as he sucked in a breath, Taehyungs words actually affecting him. "That was uncalled for," He said when Taehyung tried to apologize. "Call me when you figure out what's up your ass. I'll go work out by myself, see you later."

"Shit," Taehyung whispered. He looked over his shoulder, "You can come out now, Jimin."

Jimin emerged from the dark hallway, looking apprehensive, his gaze flickering between Taehyung and the front door Jungkook had rushed out of. "That was... intense, to say the least."

Taehyung wanted to pull at his hair, he was so stressed out. There was nothing worse than fighting with them, nothing. "It just came out. I feel like shit, I'll talk to him later and apologize."

Jimin hopped up onto their kitchen island, "As you should, that was a shitty thing to say. Jungkook had a point, we all drown or snort our problems away. Still, saying he missed that in front of Namjoon hyung, I don't understand what that kid's thinking sometimes. He had to have known Namjoon would've hated hearing that."

Taehyung shrugged, accepting the apple slice Jimin had sliced in the blink of an eye. "I think he's feeling neglected," Jimin continued, keeping his eyes on the slices he was now peeling with a knife.

My Temptation - KTH FF (under rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now