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Yeah, no matter how much she thought about it, Lorelei wasn't going to talk to Taehyung anytime soon... or at least that's what she intended to happen. Perhaps it was childish, after all there was no actual reason that she should have been bothered when she had heard everyone talking about it. So Bangtan had done what they usually did and visited a strip club, that was right up their alley! No need for the news to surprise her the way it did! The thing was, if he was going to go fuck strippers, he could do that without flirting with her and sticking his tongue in her mouth. Yeah... she wasn't cool with that.

"I still think that you should talk to him," Andrea suddenly chimed in from her living room. "Give him hell, girl! He doesn't deserve to get off easy like that! The silent treatment is too easy for him and I meant what I said, the castrating offer still stands!"

"Tempting offer but I think I'll bank that in when I really think he deserves it," She snorted. "I don't technically have a real reason to be upset. That's the thing..." Huffing in agitation, she stomped her way into Andrea's dining room. "I swear, your house it too big! Where are you? I'm done setting the doilies."

"The living room—"

"Yeah, which one?" She deadpanned back.

"The one right next to the sunroom," Her friend snorted. "And this isn't my house, it's my dad's house. Come over here and help me, I need to set and fill these vases with dear ol' Martha's requested flowers."

"Requested flowers? Seems quite demanding of you, you two have only talked like what? Five times?"

"Try three. It's whatever, all that matters is that my dad feels like I'm making an effort with his new fling. Maybe that way it'll be easier to tell him I want to do a semester abroad."

"Well, in my humble opinion, a good start would probably be to stop referring to her as his latest fling..."

"I'm not referring to her as anything less!" Andrea said, raising her voice as she started to angrily shove the flowers into their vases.

"Well, they are legally married. So, she is is wife—"

"She's two years older than me!" Andrea cried out in exasperation. "It's disturbing! How can I call her his wife when we technically could've gone to high school together?"

Watching her friend pace back and forth was making Lorelei feel totally and utterly hopeless. "Look, with all due respect to your dad... it's really weird. I'd even go as far as to say really creepy and plain wrong! I'm just saying, if you want him to support your semester abroad, a little effort is bound to go a long way."

"I guess..."

"And think about it," She urged, sensing Andrea was finally listening to her on the matter. "Making a scene in front of the country club members would be an automatic no."

"I hate when you make sense," Andrea sighed, throwing herself on her couch. "You're still mad with me, right?"

"Oh, absolutely! Like I said, it's creepy!"

"Yeah, well I see the first guest, come on let's go up to my room and change," Andrea sighed. "My dad is waiting for them in the backyard."

The two of them scurried upstairs to hurry and change, honestly, Lorelei had no idea how Andrea grew up like this. Her boobs might not be the biggest, but god theses formal dresses absolutely suffocated her girls. "You ready?" She asked when the two of them finished touching up their makeup.

"I guess, let's go."

A couple hours passed and the party was a total bust... in her opinion. To people like Andrea's father, this was probably the best turnout he could have ever imagined. So far, everything was going smoothly and without a single hitch or bump in the road— Andrea was on her "best behavior", his friends from the club were making envious comments about his young wife and it disgusted her to see the man's chest swell with pride. Not to mention, all of the Bangtan boys and most of their parents attended, apparently the ones who couldn't were out of the country.

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