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Today was going to be a busy one. For starters, Taehyung was having to dodge his mom's calls, she had been absolutely relentless since he had dropped the news on her at the dinner party. Granted, it had only been a little over a week but he refused to take anything he had said back. All he ever did was listen to his parents, now he was finally beginning to admit his feelings to himself.

He didn't want to break her anymore.

Not to mention, amidst everything going on, he also needed a reason as to why he wouldn't be attending the preparations for Jin's early birthday party. His eldest brother was taking his annual two-week long backpacking trip. This time, it was Europe.

Jin had done this every year since he turned eighteen, and since he would essentially be near m.i.a for fourteen whole days, he liked them all to celebrate early. Granted, this year was a bit earlier than most, it wasn't even Thanksgiving yet but now was the only time he could manage it. The hard part was getting out of the "preparations", that met interviewing dancers and Taehyung was NOT going to ruin his good graces with Lorelei after she specifically expressed this was not okay with her.

There was a dark part of him that reveled a bit too much in her jealousy, it was nice to be needed. The fact that she placed that much importance on him was a total turn on. Would she get even more jealous if things started to escalate even more between the two of them? That had to be the track they were headed down anyway, was it not?

God, the unhealthy parts of him, which was the most of him could not wait to see what she revealed. Would she stake her claim in front of other women? The thought threatened the small grip he had, he'd have to wrap it up unless he wanted to go take a shower. Maybe he could tease her a tiny bit, just a tiny small minuscule amount... after all, she had to know he was just as invested.

"Taehyung, seriously? You're not even listening to what I'm saying," Namjoon scoffed.

"I'm sorry," Taehyung apologized quickly, straightening himself out and placing a pillow over his lap. "I'm listening, what were you saying?"

Namjoon sent him an annoyed glance and rolled his eyes, "I was just saying that if you genuinely can't make it tonight then you need to at least order the alcohol. Jimin and I were going to do it but I'm swamped with work and classes as it is and I could use the helping hand. Besides, Jin hyung will get his feelings hurt if he finds out you aren't involved in some way."

"Hyung, I would just be missing interviewing private dancers, not skipping out on the party."

"And yet you never said no before," Namjoon quipped, a little too quickly for Taehyung's liking. "Regardless, none of us knew considering you've seemed... preoccupied lately.

Taehyung froze, he hadn't said much of anything regarding Lorelei. None of them would approve and he was trying to find a way to break it to them that a lot had changed. The very least he was trying to do was wait it out until he was a bit more sure of what would come out of it. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked carefully.

Namjoon sent him a weighted gaze, "Just that you're extra busy with your family... right?"

"Right." Taehyung sat there with a frown, this could not get complicated this early. If things got to that point, then he would have to do what he always did and listen to his brothers. After all, they were the only real family he had ever had. So why was it that lately he was having more trouble keeping himself in check? "Did something happen, hyung? You seem tense."

Sighing, Namjoon swigged his drink. "Just thinking."

"About what? What is it?" Everyone was always coming to Namjooon for advice, unloading their worries and concerns. This is the very least that Taehyung could do for Namjoon, he was the strongest person that Taehyung knew. "You know, every time you come to us, it's always been something super serious but... if it's still about Andrea then—"

My Temptation - KTH FF (under rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now