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"What do you think he's doing right now? Probably going about his business as usual," Andrea groaned, answering her own question while massaging her eyes. Lorelei could only imagine that ugly, sore and definitely puffy feeling from all the crying. "I know I shouldn't care, it's stupid of me but— don't know, last night was something."

"It was definitely something alright. Seriously? You hooked up with Jin, I wasn't able to ask you this last night and maybe I still can't but... what the hell were you thinking?" The question felt unfair but she needed to know the answer! No matter how much she thought about it— and she had all night to think about it, none of it was making any sense.

"It's so stupid, Namjoon was pissing me off and Jin was there and flirting and we pre-gamed before we left for the party. Honestly, I wasn't thinking," Andrea sniffled. "I don't regret being done with Namjoon, he and I are no good together. We never have been and we never will be. But I know what they are to each other, to jump in the middle and risk destroying what they have— it's the lowest I think I've ever gone."

Andrea could hide behind her tough facade all she wanted but Lorelei saw right through her. The bitterness in her tone was obvious, in her ideal world, Namjoon and her could make it work. "You don't have to tell me, it's not my place. I just— I'd like to know what you see in him and why you're so hellbent on believing you won't work. Don't get me wrong, I'm not his advocate or anything but... you know."

"Our history is just stupid long and complicated. I'm sorry that I've kept so much of it from you, it's just an old wound that never seemed to heal no matter how much time went by. Hopefully, after the disaster that was last night, things will be different this time around."

She noted that Andrea still never gave her a direct answer and that was okay, it would only hurt more to push things right now. Even if it was something that Andrea wanted to take to her grave, she would always be there in her corner. "Well, I hope so too. No matter what happens, I just want to see you stop hurting. Do you want me to get your mind off it? Fuck homework, you and I are going to do whatever you want today. Let's eat whatever, dress however you like, just for today, we're free."

"You're the best friend little girls grow up and wish they could have one day," Andrea sniffled as she rubbed her eyes. "Yeah, tell me anything you want! I've talked and cried your ears off all night I bet! Then I'll think of our day and what we could do."

"You haven't, I'm pretty sure you've cried more when you accidentally locked us out of your ski resort and nearly froze us to death!" Yeah, this was good and this was the right thing to do for her right now. At least her joke has made Andrea laugh a bit. "So... I kinda made out with Taehyung last night, right?"

"Girl, what?! Stop, tell me everything right now! Oh my god! How... where..."

"Okay, so this creep tried to drug me last night and he told me about it and followed me to make sure I was alright. You know us, we started bickering and I— we kissed that way and it got pretty heated very fast."

Andrea's mouth was entirely open and it was causing her to giggle. "Ew, oh my god. Not you— him... and not like a mean kind of ew either, just like a... friendly ew? Did you like it? How was it?"

"It was... scarily hot." That was the only way to describe it to Andrea without letting her know just how hot and bothered Taehyung had her. "I just— will never underestimate that kind of tension again."

"But wait," Andrea interrupted, "Don't you have a thing for boss man?"

"That's the thing! I've barely thought about him since Taehyung entered the picture. It's like he's taken over everything, it's kind of annoying actually." It was true, it was so stupidly true. Maybe she was getting in over her head but the more she got in, the harder it was to get out. "I don't know what this means for him and I though. Probably nothing, huh? I just don't want to give myself these high expectations."

My Temptation - KTH FF (under rewrite)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang