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"But you do know what happened between them? All of you know? And you really can't tell me even just a tiny bit?"

"We know his side of it," Taehyung said, his natural frown back on his face. He ignored her pleading look as he pat a rather large bandaid on her forearm. "There's nothing we don't know about each other, we're all we've had since we were born. So, no. I won't tell you what he wouldn't want you to know."

As annoying as it was, it shone him in a new light. Was it frustrating he wouldn't tell her what she wanted to know? Yes. But did Lorelei respect his loyalty mixed with a small twinge of vulnerability? Damn it, she did. With the way he said it, It was best for her to acknowledge that she would likely never know and as long as it didn't pose a threat to Andrea, it would be fine. "Okay then. Can you hand me my phone?" She asked, pointing to her purse just a few feet away from them. "I want to text Andrea and ask if she's ready to go home. I'm assuming we're done here and my adrenaline is finally wearing off."

"We're almost done here," Taehyung grumbled.

"What do you—" She was cut off as Taehyung flipped her hands over, unraveling the fabric that seemed to be as stuck to her flesh as the first night. He let out a low hiss as he examined them. "Oh."

"You just destroyed all of your progress." He said, shaking his head the longer he looked at him. Angry and embarrassed, Lorelei tried to yank her hand back but he held it in place. "It's fine, no need to be all upset about it."

"You've just reopened a massive cut on your palm. These flimsy fabric pieces did nothing in terms of shielding or protecting them."

"The bandages didn't go with the look," Lorelei muttered.

"The look?" He repeated, sounding absolutely dumbfounded. That was all Lorelei had to go on since she refused to look at his face. "What am I going to do with you?"

Before Lorelei could censor herself, she asked, "I don't know. What are you going to do with me?"

The sudden eye contact sent chills up and down her spine, Taehyung gave her a cheeky smile as he answered, "I don't know yet either, but it looks like I'll have to stay close to you to find out."

"What a pickup line," She snorted. "That must work on all the ladies."

"Oh, trust me it's anything but that," He said, his eyes strangely blank. "If most people knew the real me, they'd consider what I just said to be a death sentence."

The intensity from his eyes was too much so she diverted her eyes back to her messed up palms he was currently rewrapping with the gentlest touch. "You know—" Lorelei started, wanting to find the words for the feeling currently filling her mind. He was still looking at her when she just so happened to look up again, perhaps because she had just left him hanging. "I just— you want me to stay close or at least, you act that way. You even act like we're friends sometimes, especially lately but then you say the most mysterious and out of pocket, scary shit like that. It makes me realize that I don't know a single thing about you, and if being close to you is a 'death sentence' as you so nicely called it, then why should I stick around?"

"Fair enough," Taehyung muttered, returning back to his work on her hands. It had been all he said, it felt so closed off that Lorelei found herself staring, it felt like the only way to figure him out. He wasn't tense, as if he hadn't just referred to himself so negatively only a moment ago; like this was a natural occurrence. that didn't make any sense, why would he think of himself like that?

"Lorelei—" He said, still not looking at her. "I can feel you staring at me, you know."

"I wasn't—"

My Temptation - KTH FF (under rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now