Chapter 4: Tale of Old

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I sighed as I leaned against a tree chewing my jerky and watching the children. Galena was talking animatedly to Neal and he was nodding his eyes seeming to scan the area. I pulled my shawl tighter against the chilly breeze; it was frosting, with winter coming.

Would it be a hard winter again? Did they have enough clothing to stay warm if it was? What more could I do?

I was treating the symptoms of a corrupt government to the best of my abilities but I was unable to deal with the actual problem that was rotting my nation from the inside out, like a disease.

I watched as the children laughed and wondered how many would parish again in the cold or to the sickness that often followed. My eyes unbidden by me turned to a fenced off area in the distance on a hill. To the graveyard of the village, wishing that there was a way to decrease the likelihood that at least one of these children would end up there over the winter.

The children finished one at a time, each taking their bowl and a little one's down to the creek where they washed it out and brought it back.

Soon they were all finished and came and sat in a circle around me. One nudged another and a dark haired boy, Allen, I think his name was, said, "Can we hear the story now?" He shuffled from foot to foot.

I smiled and took a deep breath, "Alright, I'm going to tell you the Battle of Balmentia in the ballad version, but I'm not going to sing it."

They nodded empathetically and grinned, their eyes alight with enthusiasm to hear the story, although they had heard it before.

I closed my eyes and began:

"Sit down and listen, to the tale of our foundation.

All was in division, full of confrontation.

The dragon wars had broken, and the world was full of gentry

The land was frozen; until a king acted in envy.

He was new to his power, and he became corrupted,

A maiden in a tower, his spirit was abducted.

The maiden was another’s, and the King was full of spite.

He had his brothers, murder the gentleman during the night.

The maiden full of anger, declared war on all

She found an enchanter, and had her launch the battle call.

Species replied, clashing swords against each other.

All peace died, blood flowed through the ocean's brother.

The corrupt King first, lost his kingdom and then his life,

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