Chapter 11: Sparking Memories

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I cleaned up our meal, trying to figure out who we could have lead the rebellion. It would have to be someone that had a good reputation with a charismatic air. Someone that people would respect and follow. A man would be better since it would be harder to raise support for a woman leader.

“Awa, who do we know that has a grudge against the council and is in a position to start a rebellion?” I asked as I carried our dishes to the basin with a drain set on the bottom. It was quiet advanced for the time that this place was built and a nice feature.

Awa just looked at me. “Why are you asking me? You’re the one who interacts with people, I just observe. Hunted remember?” She said finishing with an exaggerated eye roll.

I sighed, “Sorry I tend to forget sometimes; you usually have an idea.”

She let out a slow sigh, knowing that I would never leave my people until I thought them in good hands and that if she wanted to train me to be one of the guides that she’d have to help me start the rebellion.

“Well, is there anyone that was kicked off of the council? Well for good reasons I mean.” She asked finally.

I paused in my movements thinking. “There might be… It was a few years ago though, he might not be alive, you know as well as I do that the council gets rid of anyone in their way.”

She nodded, “Yes but who is it? We could find out if he’s still living or if he has a family member that would take up the cause.”

“His name is … ugh why can’t I think of it? Its right beneath the surface, I can see him. He’s a guardian with blue wings, silver eyes and almost white blonde hair. He and his family were merchants that earned a title just after the end of the Battle of Balmentia. I just can’t remember his name.”

“Alright. Why was he kicked off? Is or should I say was he respected? Did he have connections? And most importantly does he have enough gumption to do what’s needed to take down the sludge he used to work for?” Awa asked her tail swaying back and forth slowly with ease.

I continued washing the dishes in the lukewarm water, keeping my hands busy as I tried to recall.

“Hmm. I believe he was kicked off because he wouldn’t consent to burning prisoners who had no solid proof against them, but there was more to it. I think a relative of his was accused and sentenced to die on questionable circumstances. The whole thing was kept quite quiet as anything to do with the council is. As for his connections, I should think he was. His family was one of the wealthiest merchant companies in Oceana. He was quiet popular with the people before his dismissal as well. There was a rumor that he became the Blue Gimmick after he was dismissed and stripped of his title and wealth. It’s never been proven of course but… well rumors often hold a hint of truth.”

Awa nodded absently looking deep in thought, “So, yes he has connections, was kicked off for being half decent, was respected and well know and, and he might already be striking back. Why didn’t we consider him before?”

I furrowed my brows, “I think we’ve been too busy treating all the symptoms of having a corrupt government to be planning a rebellion. Besides no one has mentioned him in a long time, although the Blue Gimmick seems to have become more active lately. It would be almost too convenient if he was him. Plus for the life of me I cannot remember his name.”

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