Chapter 28

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We gathered around the dining room table to eat. My mom prepared the usual turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy. Of course, in front of Brad was the whole pan of lasagna..

"Okay, everyone. I hope this is to your liking," my mom said before glancing to Brad with a smile, "However, I don't think there will be any objections from Brad, here."

"No, ma'am," was his immediate response as he continued to rub his hands together like he was starting a fire.

She looked back at us before continuing. "Now, I know these past few months have been hard on us. But, it's important to remember that we are here together and have each other. Alright, everyone. Dig in and enjoy."

My mom started passing the food around, we each putting some on our plates. We didn't rush through dinner, just simply enjoyed it and started telling old stories. Mainly to embarrass me, it seemed.

"I'm telling you, Gabbalicious, you should have seen it. This guy," he said pointing at me, "thought it would be a good idea to try and make his mom dinner one night."

"That sounds sweet," Gabby said, looking at me.

"Yeah, sure it does," Brad continued, "but, tell me what's the first step in making pasta?"

"Oh, no," she said, covering her mouth to hide her laugh.

"Yep. This genius forgot the water! Nearly burned the house down."

I groaned at the memory. "Bro, I was nine-years-old."

He took a giant bite of the lasagna. "Still funny as hell to tell people."

"Brad," my mom said in her 'mom' voice, "don't talk with your mouth full."

"Sorry, Mrs. P."

The stories continued around the table, and to be honest, this was the most I have heard Gabby or Alex laugh since I met them. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture the next time Gabby laughed.

She noticed and gave me a side smile, squeezing my thigh under the table.

"Well, children, time to open presents. Set your dishes in the sink and we can sit around the tree."

We did as instructed, however Brad and I told them to go ahead while we cleared the table.

"She seems better," Brad said in a low voice as we loaded the dishwasher.

"Yeah, she does."

"But?" He asked, sensing my tone.

"Since she got her memory back, she's been different. There's something going on in her head and I can't seem to figure it out or help her."

"Hayden, you remember the scene we walked into that night." Damn, straight. It's seared into my fucking brain. I still had nightmares. "What she went's going to take some time for her to heal. Mentally, I mean. Hell, there's a chance it can affect her forever."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

Brad wiped his hands and turned towards me. "All you can do, is continue to be there for her."

I knew he was right. Of course, I would always be there for her. I just felt helpless that I couldn't do more.

"Come on, bro. No more morbid shit tonight. Let's go make that pretty girl in there smile. You got her an awesome gift."

I sure as hell hope so. I was nervous about her gift. I've always gotten presents for my parents and stuff, sure. But, never for someone I was in love with.

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