Chapter 17

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My mind had a million things on it as I suited up for the game. And none of it was about the actual game. I hadn't heard from Gabby or Alex all day and I was getting a bad feeling that got worse and worse as the night went on. I tried her cell twenty times, but I haven't heard anything. It took everything I had not to go to her dad's house and make sure they were okay. But it could make things way worse. And I didn't want that for them.


I turned when I heard my dad's voice. He was walking up to me in the locker room. I wasn't surprised he was here. He's getting what he wanted. "Hey, Dad."

"Looking good, son. How's the leg?"

My leg was tight and started to hurt the more I practiced. I had the feeling tonight was going to be it. The last game I played. But, I wasn't going to tell him that. "Feels good."

He clapped me on the shoulder. "That's what I like to hear. I'm going to sit up in the stands with your mother. Give 'em hell."

As my dad left, Brad pulled me over towards the showers. "Any word?"

"Nothing. I have a bad feeling."

Brad glanced both ways before whispering, "Keep your phone on you, Hayden. Take the fucking thing out on the field. I don't give a damn what coach says. If something is wrong and you get a call, leave. They are both more important than this game."

"I swear I'm going to make it up to you."

He smiled as he pulled away. "Just promise me that you'll leave this game in one peace, and we're even. Oh, and lasagna. More lasagna."

I could literally feel his mouth watering as he mentioned his favorite meal. I laughed at my best friend. "Such a girl."

At the sound of coach yelling for everyone to get ready, he made his normal "we need to win" speech before we ran out of the locker room and onto the field. I immediately looked around the bleachers for Alex or Gabby. The only familiar faces were my mom and dad. Fuck. Something was wrong.

After we won the coin toss, we got into position on the field. I called out the play and as soon as the ball was snapped to me, something inside me knew the truth. Tonight, something horrible was going to happen.


We walked to the locker room at half time. We were ahead 7 and that apparently wasn't acceptable to the coach. Or my dad. I could see him getting up from the stands and I knew he was going to come to the locker room. My knee was killing me, and it took everything I had not to limp on it. Brad stayed close to me on the field, keeping my tackles to a minimum.

I took out my phone as I entered the locker room. No missed calls or texts. "Dammit."

"Dammit is right."

I turned to my dad and he had that look on his face. "Dad, we're winning."

"By a touchdown. We should be smashing them. You need to be playing your best out there."

"Yeah, Hayden. No more sneaking off to Bonfire Pointe to meet with that loner. Time to get real."

I looked to my right and saw Roy standing there. "What did you just say?"

Roy shrugged as if he didn't have a care in the world. "I figured she would have been here tonight, so I asked a favor. We needed your concentration."

I dropped my helmet and grabbed him, shoving him against the lockers. "What the fuck did you do?"

Roy glared at me. "You've obviously been sneaking around with that girl. You need to realize what's important. So, when I saw you guys last night at the park, I asked for a favor."

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