Chapter 11

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I got out of third period early to meet Gabby. We've been together for two weeks and as much as I enjoyed it, this secrecy was hard to deal with. We could only meet for a few minutes. We shared glances in the halls and passed notes. I wanted more. I wanted to take her out. I wanted to spend more time with her. But, I understood why we couldn't. She was already worried that her dad was suspicious, and I didn't want him finding out.

Thinking about her dad made me remember the last conversation I had with mine. I talked to my mom and all she would say was that it was more than what it seemed. It wasn't about the football and for me not to worry. But that's what I did. I worried. I wanted to talk to my dad. About anything. But it was like there was this huge rift between us now.

The opening of the supply room door I was hiding in brought my thoughts back to the present as Gabby snuck inside. It was about ten minutes before the bell was going to ring, so we didn't have much time.

She sat her bag down and smiled at me. "Hey, stranger."

Stranger. That hit a little too close to home.


She crushed my mouth to hers and melted against me. She was completely different than before we got together. She was more open. She showed more emotion. She talked to me. She was being Gabby, and she was perfect.

I pulled her body closer against mine and she moaned into my mouth.

She pulled away for just a moment. "We have five minutes."

"I know."

She kissed me again and all I could think about was how good she felt, and I couldn't get enough of her.

All too soon she pulled away, picked up her bag, kissed me quickly, and started for the door before I grabbed her arm.


"We can't. I told you it has to be like this."

"I want to see you. Longer than five minutes in a supply closet."

She gave me a sad look. "So, do I. But, how can we? This town is so small, and everyone notices everything."

I thought about that for a minute. "What if we meet outside town?"

She frowned. "Where?"

"Thanksgiving is a week and a half away. Let's spend it together, after the family stuff. I can arrange it."

A weird expression flickered across her face "Okay."

I watched her leave and I actually felt like this was going to work. I can manage a secret getaway for us. I'd have Thanksgiving lunch with my mom, like always, then meet Gabby for the weekend. I walked out of the closet and started heading to my next class when a thought came to me. This would be a Thanksgiving without my dad. That didn't feel right.

Instead of going to class I walked to my car. I was finally able to take the brace off, making it easier to drive. I drove to my dad's work and tried not to feel anxious as I walked inside. There was the obvious smell of cedar in the air, machines whirring and men busily working. My dad's office was in the back and I walked straight there, too into my thoughts of what to say which left me ignoring the workers who said hello.

I hesitated for a moment outside his office before knocking lightly on the door.

"Come in."

I walked inside and he paused when he looked up from his papers. "Hayden."

"Hi, dad."

"Is something wrong?"

Actually, a lot of things were wrong. But I needed to solve one problem at a time. "It's about Thanksgiving."

That Pivotal MomentOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant