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Hours went by as Marie paced back and forth trying to figure out what the hell happened to Jay. What kind of shit he was getting into to get shot. And most importantly who shot him?

"Hello" she said as she answered her phone.

Her Dad- Hey You up?

Yeah what's wrong?

Her Dad- Nothing just wanted to make sure you're still coming tonight.

Uhhh. I don't know things are a little crazy right now.

Her Dad- I know. Stuffs getting crazy for me too. Had a rough night last night.

Did something happen?

Her Dad- Nothing I couldn't handle myself. Anyways dinner will be ready at 8 so I'll see you then.

Okay bye

"Who was that?" Jay asked as he stood up and put on his shirt.

"That was my dad. Y-You need to rest you just got shot."

"Ill be alright Thank you for helping me out. I probably would have died if it weren't for you"

"Yeah you wanna tell me what the hell happened to you?"

"Not really but again thank you" He said as he left out the door and into his car.

"What the fuck" Marie whispered to herself.


"Marie..MARIEEE. Did you hear what I said?" Raiven asked as they were waiting on their food.

"Im sorry what?"

"I said did you hear about Nae and Liz?"

"No what happened?"

"They disappeared. Packed up the house and just left. Nae changed her number too"

"Well what the hell happened?"

"Gurl I don't know" He said as he looked at his phone and chuckled at what was sent to him.

Raiven has been seeing someone. An older guy and he hasn't came out yet. He has children and a wife that he hasn't divorced yet. He wanted to be the one to tell them that he is gay instead of them finding out on their own.

"What you giggling about?" Marie asked.

"Oh. Uh Nothing. So you really gonna go see your dad?"

"Yeah I mean it's not like we left off on bad terms"

"Except the part with him leaving you to fend for yourself with no explanation"

"Yeah but As you can see. I was doing perfectly fine without him. Im not mad. I just wanna know who made him change up on me"

"You think it has something to do with a woman?"

"Of course it does. When pussy calls, men run"

"Not in my case" He teased as they both laughed.

"What time is it?" Marie asked.

"Its 4:33pm"

"Okay I should get going. Get ready for this dinner"

"Ill call you later"



At home Marie was just getting out the shower as her alarm went off. Its 7:00 right now which means she had an hour to kill. She put her hair into a high bun and began her makeup. Once she was finished she proceeded to get dressed. She put on some FashionNova skinny jeans. A basketball Jersey that said "Bryant" and the number 8 on the back of it. She then put on her purple and yellow Kobe tennis shoes and headed out for the door.


Her dad- Yeah change of plans. Meet me at Chili's.

Okay be there in 10.

She hung up the phone not knowing if she heard babies crying in the background. She shook that idea out of her head as she parked in Chili's parking lot.

"Heyy". Her dad yelled as she walked up to the table. He stood up and gave her a hug. "H-Hey Dad".

"Have a seat. Please please" He exclaimed as he pulled a chair out for her.


"Oh um This is my wife Rittany and our children. Elijah and Elani (ee-lah-knee)."

"Hi. I've heard great things about you" Rittany explained.

"Really? I haven't heard a thing about you. Matter of fact I didn't know y'all even existed."

"MARIE!!!!" Her dad yelled.

"Almost a year goes by and you expect me to just be okay with your perfect little family. While you left me hanging. Alone with absolutely nobody to lean on when im down. We we're best friends until you left me and never came back. You were too busy replacing me. And i dont want anything to do with any of you. Kiss my ass"

She got in her car and drove off. She spent hours sitting outside in her car before she finally decided to go inside her house. As soon as she got in, she threw her keys on the counter and turned on the news.

"Just yesterday in the downtown area a mass shooting broke out just blocks away from the downtown police station. The police are saying this is drug related. There were two suspects at large but managed to get away. One was injured from a gun shot wound. Police were not able to get a description."

Just as she pulled out her phone Jovan came walking through the door with food.

"Wassup mama you good?"

"Y-yeah. Actually there's something I wanna talk to you about"

"Okay that's fine but first we eat cause I wanna talk to you about something as well."

As they began eating, Marie was distracted by her thoughts. She kept asking herself if Jay was the injured suspect that got away and who was he shooting at.

"Did you hear me?"


"I said I apologize for everything I put you through. I gave you hell. I made you doubt yourself. I made you insecure because I wasn't being honest. So let me start telling the truth. I got drunk and fucked my ex gf Alison. No I'm not making an excuse. It shouldn't have happened. Thats nobody fault but mine. She was my first love. Or at least I thought she was until she almost cost me my life."

He could see the irritation in Marie's face growing.

"Baby listen. I fucked up. I apologize. I'm asking for another chance. Please let me show you better than I can tell you."

"Under one condition."


"What happened for you to get shot"

"I got set up. The man that killed my T-Jones is back in town to finish the job. I killed most of his men and he managed to pop me."

"I can't live my life in fear. I dont wanna wake up to someone telling me your in jail or worse dead"

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