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Marie POV

I woke up around 4am cause I couldnt sleep. My mind is stil kinda fucked up about Jovan. He's all I've ben thinking about lately. 2 months have passed and I haven't heard from or seen him. Streets say he has him a girlfriend now. Which Is fine he can be her problem now. I looked at my phone and seen I just received a text from Kelso.

Kelso😩💕- You okay?

I replied "Cant sleep" then went downstairs to find a snack. Im so indecisive. Lately all Ive been wanting is Pickles. I looked down at my phone and seen Kel replied back.

Kelso😩💕- Whats wrong?

"Feeling kind of funny" I sent the text then grabbed the whole jar of pickles. I returned to my bed and cut on "Dexter" on netflix. Im determined to finish this fucking show. Mid-show Kelso walked into my bedroom. "What the fuck" I scoffed while chewing on my pickles. "Yea you fucked up giving me a key" He said.

"Wassup what you mean feeling weird?"

"Idk I just dont feel like myself. Like seriously Im eating pickles"

He laughed and slid in my bed on the side of me. "Ima stay here with you until you fall asleep". He put away my pickles, turned off the room light along with the Tv and laid down on top of the cover while I was under it.


Around 9 am Kelso woke up and seen Marie laying on his chest.  He been having a crush on her since they met but he dont wanna jeopardize they friendship so he never said anything. He slid Marie onto her pillow and went down to the Kitchen to make breakfast. After he was done he made a quick run to the flower store and picked up some Pink Cabbage Roses since those were her favorite. When he got back he set the roses in the middle of the table and fixed her a plate of food.

Marie woke up to the sweet savory smell of fresh pancakes, crispy bacon, steaming eggs and sweet syrupy french toast. She had to be to work in a couple hours so she wasted no time getting downstairs. The closer she got to the kitchen the more she could hear her favorite song playing. "Lake by the ocean" by Maxwell. Looking at all the food plus the flowers made her face light up. Causing her to smile from ear to ear. "Goodmorning" Kelso said from the sink as he was washing the pots he no longer needed.

"Wow Goodmorning. Whats all this for? Whats going on?"

"Nothing going on" He laughed. "Why'd you ask that?"

"Cause Jovan never did stuff like this unless he fucked up....BAD"

"Well Im not him and there is no special occasion. You been tired and stressing so enjoy this and relax while you can"


As much as she wanted to stay home today Marie had to work. She worked at a womens clinic as a Nurses Assistant for an OBGYN.

"Hey Marie" Janet said as she walked past the front desk.

"Hey girl. Who do we have today?"

"First its a new Patient. Alison Terry. She says she took 6 pregnancy test and they all say positive."

"Hmmm okay send her back..Is Dr.Brown here yet?"

"No she wont be coming today so its just you"

Marie was livid. She hated days where she had no help what so ever.

She walked into the first room and seen a woman about her age sitting on the patients bed. "You must be Ms. Terry right?"


"Okay first thing first. Is your name and date of birth correct here?" She said pointing at the patients name on the small bottle


"Okay good. Now Im gonna need you to pee in this cup for me and when your done wipe off the sides and stick it on the tray you'll see on the wall. A nurse will retrieve it. When you are done come back and put on this gown im gonna give you a pap smear"

30 minutes later Alison was done with her pap smear and back in her regular clothes. "Every thing looks great. Is this your first child?" Marie asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"Please just call me Marie. Are there any questions you want to ask?"

"Yes. Ive been eating and sleeping alot more lately. And sometimes I cant keep my food down in the morning."

" Thats perfectly normal expect to pee alot as well. And morning sickness happens to almost every parent. The good news is that it eventually goes away"

"Im nervous. I really dont have anyone to help me out with my pregnancy. My baby's father wont answer any if my calls or texts so he doesn't even know im expecting a child"

"Your gonna be a great mom. You dont need him. Come on lets get you an ultrasound"
"Alright its looks like your 20 weeks pregnant. Would you like to know the gender?"

"No not yet. Ima try to get in contact with the father again and if he continues to be an asshole Ima just do this by myself" Alison said.

"Well Alright then Here's the picture of your baby. Go down the hall to your right we need to get some bloodwork done first and then you free to go. Ill see you back in 2 weeks"

The rest of the day for Marie was long and tiring. She didnt get to take a break or nothing. Her feet were swollen and she was feeling a little nauseous.

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