getting things together

Start from the beginning

Error's POV

I went through a portal to BirdTale. The sans here has had Wings all his life, so he must have some tips or something. Wait he can fly. . .How am I supposed to find him?? "Error?? What are you doing here??" Nvm I guess he found me. I turn around...I never really noticed how nice birdtale sans wings look. Wait wuts his nickname again?? Uhh raven?? Right?? Ihdk. "I got the message, your supposed to be planning a party, right??" I nod my head "y-yeah, well no blue is planning it for me...I actually came here to see you." Raven paused "Me?- oh WOW!! You have wings now?? How did I not notice this before...their pretty big. Haha" Raven turns away from me "C'mon, I know exactly why your want me to teach you everything I know about having wings." "Wow, how did you guess that??" "It's not everyday you enemy shows up to your Au with brand new win-. Oops sorry abo-" I wave my hands "N-No worries... I'm good." Raven holds his hands out "You afraid of heights?" I shrug and take his hand "Well then let's find out." Raven opens his wings and takes off. We go soaring through the sky "AHhHhhh!!! ohh hohoo whoo!! Hahaha!" I couldn't help but laugh and scream with excitement, flying feels...uhm free? Yeah this feels free.

Raven (BirdTale!Sans) POV

Error is extremely light for his age...wait how old is error?? Nvm, It seems like We won technically. Error is now on our side and there probably won't be any more destruction. Error is laughing so hard right now. His grip is becoming loose and he slipped right outta my hands "Ahhhh!!!" "OH!! God error!!! Oh duh I can fly" I dive down to error and reach my hand out "C'mon error grab my hand." Error shoots his strings at my hand and I open my wings to let the wind carry us down. I pulled him up and carried him the rest of the way down. I land on the ground and error wouldn't let go of my neck "You okay error?" He looked up at me "Welp, I am now afraid of heights. hehehe" pffftt "Don't worry, I will teach you how to fly later. First you have to learn some basic things about having wings. Follow me." I lead error to a hill that leads up to a cliff, error looked down "Wow that looks like a fall to your death." I walk up behind him, looking down as well "it is...Alright! Lets get started." I walk over to a nice flat spot and took a seat. Error sat criss-cross a few feet in front of me "okay, do you know how to open or even move your wings?" He just shrugged. He arched his back while staring at his wings. . .nothing happened "okay" I scoot closer to Him "open and place your hands upside down on your knees so that your palms are facing the sky, close your eyes and focus on the back of your shoulders." Error followed my instructions. "Now breathe calmly. In and out" He did what i asked. Error's wings start to flap and then they wrap around error's body like a blanket "Oh! I did it!!" I smile "great job error, now stand up."
Me and error stand up "okay now that you know how to control them, can you put them into a resting position? Like like this." I show him how to do it. I pull my wings together and let them rest behind my back. Error had this determined look, he turned around and rested his wings behind his back. "Wow you did that pretty fast, so you ready for the last part of this lesson?" He nodded "Uhh I guess? I mean im pretty sure it's flying." I chuckle "Yep, now let's get started."

Me and error are now on top of a really tall tree, error will not let go of my arm. I already gave him instructions before we got up here, buuuttt I'm pretty sure he wasn't listening "Error, hey errrooorrrrooo?" I shake error's arm "GaH!! D0N'Г D0 ГH5Г!!!" Thats the first this whole time error's voice glitched, he must be really scared of falling to his death. I turn to error "Hey remember what I told you...Just keep flapping your wings even if you fall, it just slows you down so I can catch you. Okay??" He looked me in the eyes and nodded. Error steps closer to the edge. . . and jumped.

I run to the edge and look down...where is he?? Ohh god ink's gonna kill meeee!! Something big flys right over me, knocking me off of the tree "Ah-" but I was quickly caught by. . . . *inhales* error. He flys me down to the ground and puts me on my feet. Error laughed then jumped into my arms "Hahaha Whoo!! I did it I flew!!" He hops off and runs around screaming. My cheeks got warm and I feel all tingly inside. He's adorable.
Cross then comes out of nowhere and error runs up to him. I walk over "Did you see me cross, I was soaring aanndd I even saved raven over here from falling...even tho it was my fault he almost fell." Cross began laughing "pfft for real?? Hehehe" I walked over rubbing the back of my skull while blushing "hehehehe I can fly you know I would've flown, but thanks anyways." Error smiled and handed me a chocolate bar "For your troubles, thx raven." He waved and jumped through a portal with cross "I hope I see you at the party, raven." Error says before closing it "I'll be there." I say to myself.

No ones POV

Cross took error back to the empty Au. Since error is the only one who knows where the Anti-void is, they needed his help to get there, but they already have the decorations ready to put up. Error got everyone's attention "Okay thank you guys for the help, bbuutt me and blue got the rest covered." They all looked hurt "Waddaya mean you and blue got it covered, are you trying to say that we don't know how to throw a party?" Dust asked. Error paused "What? N-no I'm just saying blue is experienced in this category and I can hang up the other stuff with my strings." Blue stepped forward "Well, it has always been ME and error. He's just saying your service is not needed...EVER" Blue smirked. There was an awkward silence. Error opened the portal "Whatever just go in." Everyone walked in and was shocked on how blank it was in here. Well except blue he's been here before multiple times. Most of them was shocked on how many human souls were hung up. Error opened his arms waving it in front of their faces "uhh stay here and let me clean up first." Error zoomed around the Anti-void picking up puppets and sowing supplies. Blue began giggling, everyone was about to ask error if he needed help  "Error yah need help cleaning??" Horror said before everyone.  He shrunk back into his jacket as everyone shot him daggers "Uhh no. You guys just start decorating."

Time skip(cause its late and im tired)

They were done and it looked great in there. The ruffle balls error liked so much were hung from the endless ceiling. It was almost time for the festivities to begin. Ink told error to go grab some sweets from CandyTale, when error left Ink gathered everyone up "Okay guys, it has come to my attention, and It's extremely obvious...(I am smol XD)That you all like error." Everyone's eyelights went out and were blushing. "Who told you that??" Cross screamed. Ink leaned closer "like i said it's extremely obvious." "Well you like him too, thats obvious." Nightmare rolled his eyelights. Ink blushed "whhhaaatttt??. . .Ok I do and i only brought this up as a warning, Error will be mine and if you even try to get in the way I will..." Error walked back in with outer and they both had buckets of candy. "...Love my Creations till the day I dust." Ink hugged everyone except classic cause ya know. Error wasn't even listening, he was chatting with Outer. Ink dropped everyone and ran over to error, they followed right behind him. "Well thx, I wasn't planning on snitching anyways, you always just came by to stargaze." Error nodded and gave outer a side hug, he then put the candy on the extremely long snack table, he turned around to look at everyone "let the party begin."


And now you know
why this took so
Long (2257 words)
Till then


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