Corrupt / Day 30

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-“ People let's all welcome… Corrupted Owynn!” The ringleader said and laughed pretty load right after before leaving the stage. “Have fun.” Was the last thing you got to hear from the ringleader before they got out of human sight.

Not that long after they had left, the stage got darker and the same spotlight that have been used earlier came back on. It was pointing to the middle where it once was filled with blood, but now you couldn't even see a little weak stain. Freddy did a pretty good job to be honest. Anyways, Owynn could be seen walking out on the stage after a few seconds of this. He was holding some sort of deck with cards. He had also some sort of top hat on him.

He walked up to middle were the spotlight were and smiled. He took his top hat off and put his hand inside. He had it in there for a few seconds before pulling it out. In his had were some sort of black and white stick. As most of the stuff that have been used this night, I can't recall what those are called. Wand, maybe? I'm not sure though.

Owynn looked up at the audience for a few moments before looking at a few workers behind him. They looked at each other before walking up to every possible exit that could be used on the stage. When everyone had gone to their places he stood up straight and grinned a little.

-“ So, everyone want to see some real magic?” Owynn asked the audience. No one really answered, but a few seemed to nod. So, Owynn took that as an yes and continued. “That’s great! So, do anyone want to volunteer?” This time though no one even gave a small sign of agree or whatever you call it. He crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. “Okay, guess I have to call out on someone.” But before he did he looked to the ground in front of him. He sighed and looked back at a few workers that could be seen from the stage. They looked at him before their eyes got widen and they started to walk into a room to the side. They were in there for a few moments before coming out with a small table. It wasn’t that small, but still not that big either.

They walked up to Owynn and put the table down. He looked at them with an annoyed look before returning to what he was doing.

-“ Sorry about that. Anyways, let's continue.” Owynn put the deck into the table before walking up to the front a little more. “Let's see here…” He put his hand into his pocket before taking some white thing out. It was a small paper that had a number on it. “Okay, can you guys release seat 46 please?” Owynn asked and not that long after a click could be heard. It was a sound I knew good and well. A rope had been pulled apart from one of the seats. The seat belonged to a woman that looked to be around her 20s. Her hair was blond and was put into a braid. It went down to her elbows and on the bottom it was a small glint of red. She looked to be pretty average in hight for her, I assume, age. “Don’t be scared I don't bite… yet.” Owynn said to the woman. She walked down slowly to the stage cause I mean, I don't think she has another choice but to do so.

When she got to the stage Owynn was fast to point to a small chair that I haven’t noticed they had carried out. She sat down on it and looked at Owynn. He sat down in front of her and stared into her eyes. Her eyes were a dark shade of gray, almost black and on her left eye she had a small glint of pink for some reason. He smiled at her warmly.

-“ Don't be scared. I'm not going to harm you. Or at least I'm probably not going to.” He grabbed the deck that was in front of them and held it upside down in front of her. The deck were actually three different decks put into one. Each deck had three different colors. One had a pink back side, another blue and the last one purple. He divided the big deck into three small ones based on their color. He started to shuffle each deck a little before putting them down again. “I want you to chose one card that you will pick out of one of the decks.” He told the woman slow and simple. She did just that. “Okay, great. Now let me see the card you have picked.” She turned them around so that Owynn would be able to see them. He took his hat that was laying on the table and put it in front of him. After he had done that he took the wand and held it over the hat. “Okay, let me see… hehe, paranoia.” That was all he had to say before some sort of hand came out of the hat. The hand was purple, but she had chosen a blue card? Eh, I don’t really care. Owynns left eye turned a bluish purple and some sort of flame came out of it. The hand grabbed the woman by her neck which made her scream as she turned around. She looked all around her seeing nothing and all Owynn did was to laugh. He told her to go back to her seat which she did, but not without looking over her shoulder like every third second. She got to her seat, but she didn’t stop to keep an eye around her.

He kept doing this to a few other people and they got stuff like recklessness, insanity, hate and other stuff like that. The thing is that all the people that got something happened to them. I mean, some people even got stuff like bad luck, entire sadness and even death, but that was only one guy. He haven’t died yet, but Owynn did say that it would take effect after three days had gone by. You can probably guess that he got a panic attack almost immediately.

Owynn had now done over half of the audience and was probably getting tired of this. So, he decided to do one last spell. It was one he was going to do on everyone together.

-“ Everyone prepare for the best magic trick yet. People I want you to… Forget.” He swung the wand over the hat as he said the word. A bunch of hands came out of the hat now. So many it was hard to see each one of them. They all became different colors, but Owynns eye were just turned blue for some reason. He smiled at the hands as they flew around. The hands got to everyone in the audience except me and a few workers of course. When they got hit nothing really happened, but that got explained pretty fast. “Don’t worry it will work as soon you leave this circus, people.” He said with a smile on his face.

He took the deck that was on the table and left with all of his stuff. As usual a few workers, including Freddy, came out and took everything away. It was just a matter of seconds for the ringleader to come out.

-“ Wasn’t that magical folks? I think so. You know about the whole remember this night thing? Yeah, I might have lied about that. You know, it has been fun to have this night with you and I think everyone else might thinks so. Well they at least would if not like half of them was dead of course. But, I'm feeling kind tonight, so let's end this night good. Everyone I just want to say…

P R E P A R E  Y O U R S E L F

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