Bloody Eyes / Day 18

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-“People pay attention, because here is… Lily Blind!” The ringleader almost instently after saying that and looked to the sides a little, and then walked off the stage. It were dark on each side so it wasn’t easy too see why they looked that way, but if you knew this place or had an sharp eye you could see some sort of ladder that lead to a rope higher up. I guess that Lily's going to do something with it.

After only a minute a few steps could be heard. It seemed like I were right since someone could be heard climbing the ladder on the right, or at least that's what I think. After the person made it up some sort of melody started. It sounded like it could be used for dancing… maybe ballet? Anyways, a few other people heard this too and looked up. It seems like a few found out who were up there, and when they did they seemed terrified. It were yours truly Lily, but she didn’t look fine. She didn't have any eyes. All you could see were some sort of blood trail coming out of her eyes. She really did live up to her name. Blind Lily… I could see it, but she couldn't. Okay sorry. Anyways, Lily stood up there watching, no I mean, feeling the surface around her. It didn’t take long for her to find the rope and when she did, she jump back a bit, but not to much. She didn’t want to fall off, did she? She's so high up it was hard to see her. Exactly how high were hard to say, but that didn’t really matter now cause there were without questioning a fall to her death if she fell. Why? Well there weren't anything to catch her if she did fall.

I didn’t notice this before, but Lily were holding something. It looked like an… umbrella. It were small, but still big enough to fit over her head. Lily held the umbrella in her right hand. She slowly but safely made her way towards the rope. The rope were thin, but just big enough to walk on, which I know she’s going to do.

She took one foot and placed it on the rope. She hesitated for a few seconds before placing another foot on it. She stood there for about 15 seconds before deciding to walk across. She made it one fourth across before deciding to step her game up a little. She started to walk more and more complicated and looked like she were going to trip twice. She made it a little more over half before almost tripping again. But instead of walking again she just stood there. She had her hands in the position they were when she were about to fall. After a moment or two she tried to walk again. Big mistake. She tripped forward a little making her fall on her knees. Luckily, she manage to grab the rope. Now instead of walking she tried to crawl towards the end. There were only one fourth left before she could walk out of here, still blind but alive. Lily continued to crawl when suddenly she fell towards the side. She couldn’t see anything, but she were falling. She fell from there to the ground in a couple of seconds.


Was the only thing that could be heard. It just rushed blood out of her and the umbrella, well, it were falling slower than her since she dropped it as she fell. It landed on her, covering her head that had cracked open. There were a lot of blood and it would be hard to get rid of. As you probably know Freddy came out with the broom and brushed her a little to the side. It were just blood that could be seen on the stage. Okay, no not actually, it weren’t even close. But that should explain how much it actually were. When Freddy was leaving the stage you could see foot prints as he walked. They were a dark shad of red, but that weren’t surprising because of how dark it were in here. This act seemed short, but it could have ended the first few seconds since she can't, or couldn’t see anything. Freddy actually came back out and got something that Lily seemed to have left.

He climbed up the other ladder this time. Not the one Lily used, but the one in the left. When he got up there he grabbed something. It looked like some type of knife… wait, Lily was meant to fall or at least die on this. How I know that is that if she had gone close to the end it looks like, at least from here, that the knife would swing and cut the rope making her fall. Luckily, we didn’t get to see that, but that would be brutal to. Freddy climbed down right after and left. Shortly the ringleader came out with the way she usually looked. Well, at least a little bit.

-“ That one wasn’t that bad was it? Well, I didn’t think that at least. People this one were quite short, but it's not much we can do now. She’s…” The ringleader looked at Lily’s corpse. “Well, dead. So how about we give you someone else?.. I take it as an yes. Ehem… People please do not be disgust by this next one. Because it's going to be so disturbing and scary that it'll feel like…

S O M E O N E  H A V E  T A K E N  Y O U R  O R G A N S

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