Pins And Needles / Day 21

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-“ Guys let’s welcome… Needled Puppet!” That ringleader smiled wickedly and left. They looked back once before exiting completely. Puppet walked in with a bunch of needles. Yeah, he had other stuff to on him, but they seems already used. I mean, their covered in blood. But to be honest I'm not sure if Puppet's a boy or girl, but since they look like the gender swapped Mai, I guess it's a boy. I will call him that tills I know.

Anyways, Puppet looked at the audience before setting all the needles down. When he did that you could see all needles that’s stuck in his back. You could also see the wheel Mai were on. I wonder why they moved that here? Did she die? Maybe.

Puppet looked at the audience once again for about a minute. He then turned his back towards the backstage area opening. Two humans came out. It were a girl and a boy. The boy had ice blue hair and really light cyan eyes. The girl on the other hand had dark purple hair and dark blue eyes, or at least on of them. She had an red eye too and the boy had a bright white streak in his hair. Totally random. Anyways, the boy and girl had a lot of deep cut on them. That may be what the knifes or whatever they are he have were used for.

The girl smiled as she walked out, but the boy seemed terrified. They were bleeding really much and I think they found the right person for the job. I mean by that to fix the cuts. If it weren't Puppet that did this in the first place. Puppet smiled at them and waved them to come closer. They sure did, but the boy just slowed down as closer he came towards Puppet. Puppet looked at him confused before turning towards the girl. She had a smile on and held her arm out towards Puppet. He grabbed it and smiled back. He grabbed a needle and some string. When he were done finishing it he looked at her a last time. She nodded towards him and that made him know that she was ready. The boy stared at them this whole time scared of what would happen.

Puppet started to sew her cut up. One after another. She flinched a few times and others she let out a small cry, maybe even a scream. He looked at her arm a little after he had sewed two of the cuts. I will mention that the needles inside of him were everywhere, so every time he moved they are cutting his body a little. He were bleeding a lot and it were hard not to feel the pain in the air. The funny thing though is that he never reacted to it once under the arm part.

When he were done with her arm he continued towards her stomach and legs. Those took a while and it were pretty boring to look at. He made it through half her leg, but when he got to her knee he accidentally cut it up a little. She screamed at that and it started to bleed a little. He stitched it up a little to stop the blood. It didn’t work exactly like he wanted it to, but she didn’t really cry anymore, so that’s good. He let out a small sigh before saying sorry.

He continued with her legs and made it to her other arm. He finished it rather quickly which were good I guess.

The other boy looked at them and it looks like that he had calmed down a little. Not much, but a little. He sat down slowly on the ground. He accidentally sat down in his own blood, but that’s his fault. He have bled a lot and didn’t decided to change location.

Puppet finally finished the girl and decided it was the boys turn. He held and hand out to him, but the boy didn’t accept it. He shook his head fast not really looking at Puppet. The girl grabbed the boy and made him stand up. She pushed him to Puppet that grabbed him. He let out a quiet scream and looked back at the girl. She waved at him and walked away. He shouted out to her.

-“ WAIT! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE ALONE! PLEASE!” The boy started to cry and the girl were just about to leave when she turned around.

-“ I TOLD YOU THAT IT'S GOOD TO BE FIRST!” She smiled and left. To be honest it looks like the boy were younger then her. He might just have a baby face that made it look like it, but he were shorter. He looked to be around the age of 13 and she 17. But what do I know.

The boy cried a lot now which made me a little sad. He were actually really cute, not in a romantic way, but in a looking at a child way. His cyan eyes shone as his tears rolled down. Puppet finally decided to start sewing him. The little boy screamed in pain and fear, I guess. He didn’t look at anyone and just stared at the ceiling. Puppet rolled his eyes and continued. He went like this for about a minutes or two before stopping. He looked at his shoulder real quick before turning back to the boy.

He started to work faster and faster. I don’t know what that have made him to panic, but he sure did. He got through his arm and stomach before continuing towards his legs. This time he didn’t cut the knees and just went through. The boy did still though cry a lot. I'm pretty sure that he could fill up two liter water bottles with all those tears.

Puppet were almost done when the boy suddenly screamed. Puppet looked at him in confusion. The boy didn’t look back and his tears were still rushing down his face. Puppet closed his eyes and shook his head. He continued to sew the boy and when he were done completely and the boy could leave someone had to come in.

It were a girl looking about a year older that came in. She had long blond hair, almost so blond that it was white and her eyes were green, a dark green. She walked up to him and helped him out. Now when I think about it those people look familiar. I think they are people from the front row that got taken away a few hours ago. Or yesterdays evening as it also could have been told. That explains why I haven’t seen or heard of them before really.

Puppet stared at the audience and asked a simple question.

-“ If I get to sew in you skin you'll be able to leave earlier.” Puppet looked at them with a smile on his face. No one answered him which is surprising. I mean, I wouldn’t trust a man that have made a child cry and to have a bunch of needles in their body to sew in my body, but to leave early. Maybe. Puppet just shook his head once, took his stuff and left. The ringleader came out shortly after with their smile, of course. They didn’t walk as long as they normally would. I wonder why? I mean, they normally walk up to the front. But now they stop around where Puppet stood... Eh, who cares?

-“ People, this one was quite funny to look at. I mean, Puppet made a kid cry. I love watching kids cry… It would have been a few more children that cried this act, but they accidentally got killed while we we're cutting them. Oppsie. Anyways, what did you think?.. Okay to late answer we have to continue the show you know. Anyways I think the other one's just waiting to come out on the stage. Guys, be careful. This one's going to…

B U R N  A  B I T

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