Nose Bleed / Day 14

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-“Everyone are you ready for the next act? Well I am, so I'm presenting you… Nosey Abby!” The ringleader gave a small nod before turning around and leaving the stage. It took a while for something to happened. After a few minutes of nothing, some sort of circus song turned on. It wasn’t anything creepy, but it was still a bit weird. It's the first time tonight that they actually had a song in the backround. The song was actually really funny and it was also something you could listen to on some daily bases, but that could just be me. Around 15 seconds into the song Abby came in. She were riding some type of bike. A unicycle I think their named. She came out with some type of clownish clothes. They really fit her, so did the make up. The to red circles on her chins. She also had a red nose on. I guess that’s why she’s named Nosey Abby. She were rolling all over the place and it didn’t seem like she were going to stop anytime soon. She had a big smile on her face that actually looked real. She seemed to enjoy riding around. She rolled out of the room to get something I guess. She couldn’t be done yet or?.. No that wasn’t it, she came out after like 5 minutes or something close to that. She looked around the place while she were still on the unicycle. She has taken some sort of balls out on the stage. They were red, orange and yellow. She did the expected and started to juggle the balls around. She were really good at it, and I think she actually enjoy doing this and to be here.

She swung them higher and higher and about a few minutes in they were swung so high it started to become hard to see all of them. It didn’t take long for her to get bored and decided to go backstage again to leave them. She came out empty handed right after that.

The only thing she did now were to go around the stage and to look at everyone in there. Including the dead people. The corpses it's what they are called.

Abby looked at the audience and her smile shrunk. She looked at them for sometime but didn’t say anything. She looked down at the ground a few times too, but that wasn’t anything you could really see.

She started to ride again, but this time a bit slower. Or that was at least until the ringleader shouted faster. They both knew that means that she needed to go around and do stuff... Yeah, faster. She went from place A to B in just a few seconds to someone that would normally take 2 minutes at least.

Abby did some movements with her hands as she were going around doing stuff. Everything went smooth and clean when suddenly,.. Abby fell. I don’t know how though. That fall must have happened because she were going to fast, but what do I know? Maybe she ment to fall… I actually thinks so, because the way she landed were just… weird. She landed of course face first, but she landed in a way that made her nose stuck or something making her bleed.

Abby had blood rushing down like crazy, but she still smiled making it hard to see if she ment to fall or not.

She were on the ground for sometime looking at the red fake nose she had put on. The blood weren’t stopping anytime soon, so that made it hard to see how she fell.

The blood had now rushed down her face so mush that it was actually easier to see what happened. When you looked at her nose bleed you could see that her nose were… gone? Wait, did here nose fall off? It looks like it. It also looks like it had fallen off with the fake nose making it bloody as time went on.

After about 7 minutes someone came out to the stage and picked the unicycle up and left. It were blood on the ground that had started to make it's way towards Abby, at least a little bit more. She just looked at it, with a smile on her face still, as the blood ran. About 3 minutes the person that had come in and taken the unicycle had left, Abby decided to try to stand up and walk. It went pretty well and she seemed good enough to be able to leave tonight. Or tomorrow morning. Depends on what happens.

Abby picked up her fake nose, and the real one but I'm not sure, up. She turned towards the publik a last time and smiled. She had blood on her stomach and a little in her armes. She had blood on her too, of course.

She turned towards the door and walked away. She were going to need to go to the hospital after this… actually almost everyone's going to need to go to an hospital. The ringleader came shortly out to the stage.

-“That one was… intressting. Anyways, what do you you think? Abby have been a master unicycler for as long as she remembers. Or that was at least what she told is. It looks like she might not been a master, but just good. Or we could blame it in the fact that this wasn’t deadly or bloody or gorier enough to be finished. That was at least what we told her so she might have tried to spiced it up a little.” The ringleader started to talk about some unrelated stuff to, I think, drain time. “Eh, I don't know. She didn’t really have an act yet so we told her to do something like that. So I'm just guessing right now. Everyone that was Abby, and is it only me that thinks that it's time for the next one? Everyone this next one's probably going to be…

A  L O T  B L O O D I E R  T H A N  T H I S  O N E

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