Burned / Day 22

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-“ So, let's welcome… Burned Golden to the stage!” The ringleader walked off the stage immediately after presenting like always. When they had gone completely out of sight Golden came in. He held a big wooden stick in his hands with what looks and smells like gasoline. I mean, it's probably what it is consider his name is burned Golden.

He walked to about the middle of the stage. He sat the “gasoline” or whatever it is down in the ground. He opened the container that had the liquid in it and put the stick into it. This far nothing have really happened, but I'm sure that will change real soon. He placed his hands in a pocket he had on the back off His pants and grabbed something. When he pulled it out you could see what it was. It was a silver lighter. He flipped the cap off and turned it on. He held it towards the wood and it caught fire almost immediately. A few in the audience gasped and others closed their eyes in fear. I could understand that consider that we're or I mean they are stuck in their chairs and can't really leave of the circus caught fire right now.

He continued to hold the lighter towards the wood for about another minute, just in case I guess. He then dropped the lighter to the ground, but were still holding the stick. He held the bottom part of the stick which wasn’t the weird. No, the weird thing is that he grabbed the part that were on fire for some reason. He took the hand away immediately, of course. Is this guy and idiot or what? Anyways, Golden started to blow on the fire which obviously made it flicker and stuff. He did something that were hard to see by all the smoke and the darkness around him, but it looked like he put something into his mouth. A few seconds later he blow out fire. Awesome, yes. Safe, no. Something that Golden didn’t seem to noticed happened. His clothes caught fire. It wasn’t much, but enough to spread and kill this kid, which it probably would do.

He continued to play with the fire as the fire spread. He seemed to really enjoy himself and that’s nice I guess, but he’s going to make the entire circus become aches. This guy made some more fire by setting the gasoline that were in the container on fire. That fire actually exploded which made a bit of the curtain caught fire. Nothing that would burn the entire circus down to aches, but enough to make a lot of smoke that started to fill the circus. Who's idea was this now?.. Anyways, Golden noticed that pretty fast, but didn’t do anything about it. Just like the fire the were spreading around his body.

He somehow grabbed a bit of the fire so it were in his hand and he blow at it. He had a weird smile on his face. I wonder how he’s actually feeling right now. I mean, that fire must hurt like hell right? I guess that it does. I haven’t burned myself that many times, but those times that I did hurt like crazy. He didn’t seem to react that much of it. I wonder how he does it?

Golden were just about to put the stick down when he finally felt the fire on his clothes. He slapped the part where the fire was as much and fast as he could, but nothing really happened. He even started to roll around on the ground, but that didn’t go that well either. He panicked a bit, but nothing that bad. When he were rolling and running around he accidentally pushed the container or what’s left of it, which made the fire and gasoline that was still in it stuck to him. He tried and tried to get the fire out, but nothing worked. After about 4-5 minutes he started to slow down. After he did it didn’t take long for him to fall over on his stomach. The fire was all over him and it looked like it hurt, a lot. He was on the ground for about another 9 minutes before Freddy, obviously, came out. He held an fire extinguisher that looked to be really heavy. He made his way to Golden and when he did he put the extinguisher on the ground. He pulled the safety pin off and started to spray what was in the extinguisher all over Golden. He didn’t really do anything to the curtain that were on fire, so if we're going to have to run because of the fire, we should do it fast. When the fire were finally putted out Freddy left. He came back shortly though. He came back with the broom like always. He brushed Golden to the side and yet again ignored the fire on the curtain. But right before he were to leave he took the stick and container parts with him. When he had left completely, the ringleader came out like always. This time they walked as far forward as they normally did.

-“ Well, hello… This one was weird to be honest. I mean, he didn’t even notice the fire on his clothes. Or maybe he did, but didn’t care at first, I mean I wouldn't really. Whatever it was we'll never know because he’s… dead, nothing new here, right? Anyways, guys are you prepared for the next one? It doesn’t seem like it, you don't have any…

  C A N D Y  T O  E A T

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