Love Bites / Day 11

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-“Ehem… Guys I present you… Lovely Towntrap!” Okay, I'm not sure if that's his name or if the ringleader just thinks that he's lovely. Either way, his name doesn’t fit his act. The ringleader didn’t do more and just left. The ringleader said they were going to do more gorier stuff now and that’s pretty true. The reason is there going to be more deaths and more blood, I think. They opened a new area to the stage, so I guess that's it. It was a big door that actually just looked like a wall. That’s probably why so many got surprised about this. Inside that area was actually a few cages. Inside most of them were animals. They stood at the side so they wouldn’t be in the way. Two people that we actually have seen earlier came out. It was the ones that “helped” Bon-Bon for about two – three hours ago. They pushed the cages a little more towards the middle. The cages were those cages that like all the circuses had. They obviously had wheels on them. When they got three of the cages out, they left. All those cages had one thing in common. That was the fact that they contain tigers and lions. They looked hungry and I'm pretty sure they are. I may have done a lot to help, but I have nothing to do with the animal ones. Those are completely the ringleaders and their helpers ideas.

Towntrap came out on the stage quicker then I thought. He didn’t look that ready yet, but kept going. He were carring some type of whip. He walked up to the blue cage and looked at it. The three cages had three colors on them. There was a red one, a blue one and a green one. There was more, but now I only told the once in the middle.

Towntrap picked something up from his back pocket. It was a key. He was about to unlock the blue one when the lion inside suddenly slung itself towards the door. Towntrap back up really quick and tried to whip it but to no avail. So he decided to wait a little before opening that one. He walked towards the red one where the little more calm lions and one tiger were. At least they looked calmer. He walked up towards it and unlocked the door. The two lions that was inside didn’t move from their spots, the same goes to the tiger and that gave him time to go to the green one. He unlocked it too and inside were two tigers. One of them were a female and the other a male. At least by the looks of it. They walked towards the door but since he never opened it they didn’t walk out immediately, but they walked out shortly after he had walked back to the blue one. The lion inside weren't at the door, so he could unlock it. The lion were in a corner looking asleep. I think that one has gone the longest without food so it's probably why just that one were the wildest and all alone in it's cage.

Towntrap didn’t notice that the two people that were here earlier had put some sort of fence around so that the animals wouldn’t run towards the public nor any of the other people working here. And I think it’s also there so that the person inside doesn’t run away like a faggot.

After he had unlocked it he walked towards the middle of the stage. It didn’t take long for one of the tigers to attack him. He fell to the ground with a loud bang as he landed. He had stopped the whip and it landed a few feet away from him. It was behind were the tigers stood. It looks like He's not getting that one anytime soon. The tiger took a bite of him and after that got an electro shock. I didn’t notice this before, but all of the animals had some sort of neckless or whatever they're called on them. It were glowing green as the shock were on and as soon as it stopped it turned off and the tiger could rest a little, which it did. He were bleeding really much and he were screaming in pain. He stood up after that again and were ready for another hit. He tried to get THE whip back which he actually did , but he were not going to be able to use it. It didn’t take long for two of the animals to come up and take deep bites of him. This seemed to hurt really much, but the animals were happy, until they got the shock. He stood there, back facing the audience and looked hurt as hell. He looked like he wanted to scream in pain and just get help. Or drugged so he wouldn’t feel any pain. That would probably work too. He stood there ready for them all to attack. He hold on to the whip, but it seemed to hurt to much to use it. The tigers didn’t attack for a short amount of time. When they did it was like four of them that attacked him at once. He didn’t look like he were going to make it out alive. The whip yet again flew away from his hands and landed somewhere else. He looked like he were going to die Whit no hope of survival, which if he did he would be awfully hurt and I or someone else would probably run down there and kill him cause the way he looks now is just… bad. All of the tigers and lions were shocked after the attack and it was on for so long that I think that maybe one or two got killed. Anyways, they all passed out and the two helpers came back and put the fence away. The boy with brown hair came out and brushed the remaining’s of Towntrap to the side. They were put a few meters away from the rest of the bodies, but that’s because it’s starting to look full over there. Plus I think they want to spread the bodies and all blood and stuff out. It came out three other people plus the two helpers out and helped to put the animals back in the cages. When they were done the two helpers walked back the cages to were they stood before. When they were done and had left, the ringleader came out.

-“ I told you it were going to get bloodier and gorier. And what do you think of this secret room we hid? Pretty cool right? Anyways, this act was actually really good and I think you might enjoy the next one too. It's actually someone you all have seen before. Interesting right? I can tell you that...

T H E Y  H A V E  S E E N  Y O U  T O O

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