'Eye See You Too' / Day 12

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-“ This ones pretty special so I'll give them a better introduction than the others. Everyone this one's going to be scary. It's going to be weird. But most importantly, it's going to be crazy. Ladies and gentlemen I present, no I give you… Freddy!... Yeah that’s it. That’s his name, literally.” The ringleader faced palm and walked out. They have had more than two month, maybe more to figure a name out for this… boy, I think. I haven’t met Freddy before. Shortly the boy with brown hair walked out to the stage with some sort of stick. It was pointy at one of the ends. The same end that looked like some sort of hook. He held the pointy end towards himself and looked at it. I don't know what he’s doing… Wait, is that boy Freddy? It looks like it, but then why haven’t the ringleader said anything? I mean, we were working on this together. Anyways, he stood there for some seconds staring at the ground. He didn't do anything for sometime. He suddenly slung himself to the ground saying things like: 'please leave me alone', 'I didn’t ask for this', ' I'll do anything' and 'what do you want from me'. He started to cry while he were holding his ears so he wouldn't hear anything. It didn’t seem to work since he wouldn’t stop talking. As the time went on he started to talk louder and louder. He eventually started to scream out this things. Is it only me who started to feel the sudden cold in here? It looks like Freddy did too. He let go of his ears and grabbed himself instead. He was crying like crazy and his words stopped making sense. He looked like he were having some sort of panic attack. Everyone in the audience were quiet as they listened to what Freddy screamed about. He eventually went quiet and his cries slowed down. He looked up the audience like he were listening to someone. It looked like he were hearing stuff. He suddenly screamed something out loud.

-“ LEAVE ME ALONE ENNARD!!! He screamed it so loud it seemed to hurt. The people in the front covered their ears as he screamed. He wasn’t that loud from here, but from the front closer to were Freddy were it make sense that it was necessary to cover them. He began to scream and cry like crazy again. He were totally having some sort of panic attack or something close to that. I wonder what’s going on inside his mind. And who the hell was Ennard? It could be what the “voices” or “voice” inside his mind called them self. What or who ever Ennard is, they’re clearly the reason Freddy’s like that. He had dropped the stick a while ago and it landed beside him. He tried to stand up with the help of the stick. It didn’t look like it was going so well. He finally were able to stand up, but to do that without falling back to his knees, he had to hold the stick. His legs were shaking and he seemed so scared to be there. Freddy looked at the stick yet again and tried to finish what he had started, but didn’t seem to be able to. He looked at the audience yet again and froze in place. He looked at everyone that were looking at him and he started to cry again. He covered his eyes with one of his arms. He needed the other to be able to hold the stick. He ran crying off the stage into the backstage area. He seemed scared to be in the stage for some reason. You could still hear his cries and sobs. To be honest I feel bad for that guy.

About ten minutes later the ringleader came out. They looked kind of happy, but their smile wasn’t as big as before. They walked towards the front and stopped at a place were everyone could see them. They didn’t look super upright like they did before. They didn't have their hands behind their back like normal and their legs were a little more sloppier then they used to have them. They stood there quiet for a minute or two and were just staring at the ground. Their hand were crossed as the were looking down. After a few minutes they looked up at everyone and sighed.

-“ Guys I'm sorry.” The ringleader put one of their hands on their forehead and shook their head side to side. “I didn’t mean this to be like this. We have done this a few time before with him. By that I mean his act. He were not suppose to get like that now. Maybe later but not now. The thing is that why this one were special were because Freddy has some sort of demon in his head or something that’s kind of ruining his life or whatever it was. It seems to dislike to be in the center of attention. Ha, to bad for it I guess. Anyways, I'm not going to continue the talking about Freddy. I mean, who cares about him?” I kind of do to be honest. I feel kind of bad, but that's nothing I'm telling them. “Public I think it's time for our next one. People get ready, because this one's going to get…

K I N D  O F  W E T

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