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I feel numb.

It spreads through my body as the cold dark water comes in contact with my skin. The waves crash down upon me reaching to a crescendo of noise. I feel nothing as the waves thrust me into the deep dark water making me gasp for air. The chilling water hits my skin like arrows. And fills my lungs with vermin.

Now all I know is numbness.

My dark hair flows around me like deadly tentacles blocking my view of the world above. The ocean bed and the creatures below pull me under and allow myself to be pulled. Bubbles escape my mouth and shine a platinum silver from the lightening that cackles in the sky above.


It's beautiful. And peaceful. I wait patiently for the last bubble to escape my mouth and become free. At last.

I close my eyes and remember everything that brings me happiness. I see my parents cleaning a dark red cut, getting me a cottoncandy and my dad giving me a piggyback ride. Lee's smile flashes in my mind and I remember each and every sleepover we had in his treehouse. A pair of ocean blue eyes come in front of me. One of the things I long to look at now.

I feel a sharp pain on one  side of my neck. The pain spreads to my body and vibrates in my brain. I feel darkness consume my vision. Just before passing out, I feel a nudge on my arms and I feel like I'm being pulled to the side.

Never mind I think.

Just let me go into the lifeless ocean.

The dark waters| ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ