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"Videre...." Nerida gasps.

"Get up Leah. Come here." Nerida says quietly.

I slowly walk towards her. She looks pale and shocked. I want her to tell me the answers to my innumerable questions, but I can't find words to express myself.

"Leah, listen to me carefully. What did you see on his neck?" Nerida asks slowly.

" I saw three cuts on his neck-looked like gills...Nerida, tell me what's happening."I say rapidly before I can control myself.

" Listen to me, Leah. Is this the first time you saw them?" She asks calmly. Nerida believes me. She doesn't think I am lying. But how can she possibly believe me?

" I swear I did nothing to his neck. This is the first time I saw this."I say.

"Oh Rán...you have the sight. You have videre Leah. That means Isla..." she stops talking and has a thoughtful expression on her face. Although I want to ask her what she means, I have more important things to take care of.
I go sit down beside Dylan and look at him. I have never harmed anyone before. Not even knocked someone out, rarely punched anyone. I feel guilt flow through me.

This is not your fault. You never wanted this to happen.

The voice in my head says.

Anyways, he deserved it he is a jerk.

Is he?

I still feel guilty for what I did to him even though it was just self-defence. What if he never wakes up?

Shut up, Leah. Don't be so morbid.
I look at my shaky hands and try to remember what I did. Maybe I can undo it? I take Dylan's hand and close my eyes.

I forget about the world around me and all I  feel is him. I can hear Nerida mumbling something to herself in the background, but I don't pay attention to her. All I have to think about is Dylan. And it isn't that hard. I reach out to him.

Wake up

I wait for some time but I get no response. I almost feel stupid trying to talk to an unconscious person. I am about to give up when I hear a voice and I almost let go of his hand in surprise.

It's his voice. He is talking about something. I can hear his thoughts.

Don't hurt me, please.

I feel my heart contract.

I won't. I try to say.

No response.

I try to say each word clearly again.

I WON'T HURT YOU. W-a-k-e-up!

I put so many efforts in saying...thinking this that my head starts hurting. It takes a while for me to understand that someone has been shaking my shoulders. I slowly open my eyes and look over my shoulders. Nerida looks down at me with a scared expression on her face.

"stop scaring me. You looked like you were about to puke."She says.

"I am sorry I can't do anything," I say on the verge of tears. I look down at his hands and gently squeeze them.

And his fingers move.

I suck in a breath of relief. His eyelids flutter for a while before finally opening. I had forgotten how blue his eyes were. I almost throw myself over him, but thankfully, Nerida comes in between and gives him a big hug.

"Are you alright?" She asks, trying to make him stand.

" yes, I am feeling better. What happened?" He says looking around confused.

I somehow threw you on a wall so hard that you were unconscious for half an hour.
"About that. We don't know what happened. But we know one thing for sure. Um... Leah has the sight..." Nerida says slowly.

" What!? Can you-uh.." he cuts off.

"Yup I can see those...gills???" I say, pointing towards the side of my neck, unsure what to call them.

" yes, they are gills." Dylan shifts uncomfortably.

" okay so? Why did you put them on? Is this a prank?" I say knowing the answer to it.

"Leah sits down, we need to tell you something which might make you look for support," Nerida says.Dylan looks at her incredulously, like he couldn't believe she was actually telling me this.
"She already has the sight, Dylan. It won't be long before she discovers it herself." She shifts her eyes to me and her gaze is serious.

"Leah we are the descendants of Ægir's daughters. He is the god of the seas and the oceans. He had 7 daughters, many fell in love with humans and made creatures who can live on land and in water." She says slowly as unsure of what my reaction might be. "Us."

"Like what do you humans call us-" She says

"Mers. We are Mers,Leah" He says.

Before I can control myself, I burst out laughing. I laugh till my stomach hurts and there is water running down my eyes.

These guys are high.

"Yeah right, and I am a unicorn."I say still laughing.

"No, you're not. You are a psychic. "

The dark waters| ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن