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He looked into the ornate hand mirror and gazed at himself intently.

He looked beautiful. He liked beautiful things. The mirror showed the reflection of the alluring creature he thought he was, light grey eyes on olive skin,shining with malice.

He swirled around in the water, getting his iridescent tail up. Light bounced on it creating a strange halo of dark blue. The scales shimmered in the filtered sunlight coming down upon it.

He rose up, extending his elegant tail to its full glory and looked at himself again. The hand mirror had the pattern of green seaweeds carved on it, captured in their movement.There was a green emerald just above the oval glass, which reflected light on his face giving his already olive skin a greenish glow. He was content with what it reflected except for one flaw. Someone other than him  was in its reflection now.

He turned around furiously.

The messenger stood their with an intimidated face waiting for the permission to speak.

"What is it?" The king said, his voice booming around in the room.

"My lord, the sibyl has woken up. She wishes to speak to you. Urgently." The guard said in a shaky voice.

"She wishes to speak to me right now from Kaldis?" The king asked doubtfully.

"Yes my lord." The messenger said silently.

"Very well then, I shall speak to her." The king said.

He brought his hand up and flicked his wrist. At once, he was left alone in the room, the door sounding shut with a boom.

He moved towards a low marble table and looked into a semi circular object made of solid stone .It looked like a basin except for the fact that it had no cavity to put the water in, it had a surface having mer runes and precious pearls carved into it.

"What is it? Why is it that you summon me at this hour and dare to disturb me?" The king asked in a loud voice. The murky stone surface moved and changed into a shape. It formed a circle which moved like a mouth when the voice came out.

"My lord, your power is in danger. There is a weapon that is more powerful than the king's trident. It can be activated soon.And our enemies are close to finding it." The husky low voice of a woman said. The voice revealed the pain she had been through. Her voice had the tiredness of a person who had gone through a lot of agony in life and just wanted one thing.

"This is impossible. This is impossible!" the king shouted in a thunderous voice."Nothing can challenge the wrath of the sea. And the trident has the power of the sea. You're lying, you hag!I'll make sure they give you no food for the next week for lying. I'll steal your air so that you beg for your life."

"I have no will of staying alive. I'm telling you what I saw. Our Mind doesn't lie. I'm not lying . You better find that weapon before they get it." She said sounding exhausted.
There was a moment of silence in which the king contemplated whether to trust the Sybil or not.

" I trust you, but not completely. Tell me what this object looks like" The king said .

"The weapon is not an object." The Sybil said quietly.

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