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I see nothing around me at first, just empty darkness.

I'm not sure whether what I was trying to do actually work.
I stand in an empty black expanse of nothing, it looks like I'm in his subconscious. I look around and I see  glimpses of light and vague people in the dark, like blurred memories.

"Lee?" I call out."I know you are out there just give me a sign that you are listening." My voice echoes out in all directions. This is emptier than I thought it would be. 

That's a joke you can tell him when he wakes up idiot, not now.

No response to my voice. Nothing. I try to feel his hand, but I can't feel anything. It's like I'm not in my body somehow. I try to imagine Lee in my mind. I don't know if this will work, but it's the best chance I have of getting him back.

I remember his pale curly hair,falling on his forehead, his light blue eyes and his angular face.
I remember seeing him in the room, fallen on the ground with his head in a pool of blood, his blonde curls turning  deep red.

"Leah?"  I hear a voice say. Lee's voice.

I gasp. It's working.

"Lee. I need you to try and wake up. I'll try to heal you. Tell me where exactly you got hurt." I say.

I wait for some time. No respond. I am about to say it again when I hear a muffled voice saying something indistinct.

"Lee? Tell me where you got hurt." I say a little louder this time.

" I can't say for sure.I feel pain all over my body" I hear a weak voice say.

Of course, how stupid of me. I can figure that part on my own.

" I'm sorry Lee, i'll figure that on my own. I'm sorry, I'm just new to all of this. And...."i don't think i will be able to live with the guilt of not being able to help you when you needed me the most "I'm sorry Lee, I'm sorry .I'm so stupid and weak I can't do anything." I say on the verge of tears.

"Shut up Leah and listen to me. You are the strongest person I have ever met. Remember when your mom died?  Believe me, I could never understand how you dealt with the situation so strongly. You never cried in school, concealing all your feelings to avoid much attention. You even took care of aunt Janet and gave her the emotional support she needed. Never cried in front of her or anyone, except for me. And you thought you were too sensitive to cry even a year after her death. I still cry. After five years.Not a day has passed since then that I haven't wished to be as strong as you. I believe in you Leah. I know you can heal me." I hear Lee say.

I have to try. I owe that to lee. I can't give up on him. I can't .Not now, not ever. I should be the one consoling him not the other way around.

" Okay, Lee I got this. I need you to focus on my voice. come towards it. I'm going to have a look at your injury now.I'm not leaving you okay? I'm still here."

saying this I return back.

I open my eyes.

I look down at my hand in his. I slowly remove it and move his head around carefully. And I clearly see the wound . Some parts of his golden hair are red and others are still golden. I move his hair aside and touch his scalp. I feel his warm blood trickling onto my fingers.
I look at all the glass pieces. I close my eyes and I imagine them coming out, one by one, every bit of glass hurting him. I concentrate harder.

I open my eyes when I hear something move through the air. I look around to see tiny particles of red glass suspended in the air, shining in the sun. It worked. I sigh.
Now I have to have to stop the bleeding.

Easy right?

Yeah sure.

I had never seen anyone get stitches before, but I had seen it in movies. I remember watching the Martian and I try to remember exactly how he had given himself stitches.

I place my hand over his head gently and imagine sewing his skin together. I concentrate and visualise each small detail, the way his skin comes together slowly in an intricate pattern. I open my eyes and touch his wound. It's not open. I start looking for other places where his skin is open and try to do the same thing.
After I'm finished closing 5 of his wounds I feel mentally and physically drained. I don't know if it's just because I was using my psychic power at this extent for the first time or I just wasn't that powerful.

When I'm sure I've healed all the wounds, I lift him up and make him lean against the bed nearby. He is still unconscious.
I take his hand and reach out to him.

Wake up lee. Follow my voice. Wake up.

I open my eyes and I look at him. I almost beg for a response. The more I look at him the more I am consumed by despair. I look away unable to bear it. I look at Dylan.

His eyebrows are drawn together and he looks at me with a concerned look.

Like I am the one dying.

Beside him Nerida looks at Lee sadly and her eyes glisten in the light.

I feel Lee's hand twitch.

I look at him.

A groan escapes his mouth and his eyelids flutter. He finally opens his eyes and his light blue eyes meet mine.

Relief spreads all over my body and I forget about the exhaustion and pain. I put my arms around Lee and pull him into a fierce hug.

"Ow-ouch, Leah you're hurting me." Lee says chuckling a bit.

" shut up, you idiot.shut your mouth." I say between a chuckle and a sob.

"Okay so can I leave now?" I hear the man standing at the door ask. I lift my face from Lee's shoulders and look at him.

"Yes, but you'll never enter this house again. Ever. They will meet you anywhere but here. Do you understand?" I say. Now that I don't have the feeling of panic clouding my mind, I  feel pure anger towards him.

"Trust me girl, I have no interest in coming to your house or meeting them at all. No offence." He says looking at Nerida and Dylan.

"None taken, jerk." Nerida snaps back.

The man glares at her for some time before facing the door and turning the knob. The door opens.

"See you soon Cordelia. Goodbye Evian and Nerida." He says turning behind. He points at Liam and says "I'm sorry for what I did. Really, it was nothing personal and I did what I did for self defence ."

Saying this he walks out.

A moment of silence follows him. I take Lee's hand and squeeze it gentle.

"Tell me what I missed." Lee says.

I can't help but roll my eyes. I myself have so many questions that it makes my head feel dizzy.

"No. My questions first" I say.

"Oh Ràn!can you guys stop already. Save all the questions for tomorrow okay? Let's just rest for today." Nerida says.

Suddenly, I feel this anger and frustration towards the whole world and everyone who harmed Lee. Look back up and look straight at Nerida.

"Why did you get Lee? You could've kidnapped anyone else. You could've left him when you got me. It's your fault!" I say shouting.

Nerida's face turns pale. She opens her mouth as if to say something but closes it again. Dylan looks at me with a serious expression.

"Leah we were going to tell you that." Dylan says. "Um Lee-"

" I am half mer Leah" Lee says.

I feel the floor beneath me slip.

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