"yes i am 20 years old," he replied quickly.

"well i hope i'm not too old for you, i'm 26,"sicheng blushed once again.

after a long while of useless and random conversations, the two got to know each other fairly well. yuta learned that sicheng was a gay student from china who studied contemporary dance. sicheng learned that yuta was a ceo for amazon japan and that he had crashed his car tonight. wow a ceo for the biggest online store in the world?? that's amazing...!

there was a pregnant woman who boarded the cart and had no place to sit, so yuta generously gave up his seat and even held onto her stuff while the cart was in motion. yuta was a very nice guy, he made sure it showed too, but the poor thing is always exhausted. sicheng noticed how yuta put other people first. they hadn't known each other for that long, but he could just tell because of yuta's mannerism.

the cart came to a halt as the same voice came down from the subway speakers

"current stop, sazatoki plaza,"  it beeped out.

yuta grabbed sicheng's hand. sicheng got startled at first and blushed, but as soon as he realized yuta was just trying to help him get up, he felt like a fool. he just met the guy and he was already so mushy.  the two stepped out of the cart as they watched it pick up its pace while leaving the terminal.


they were laughing at a joke sicheng told as they made their way through the plaza to the sazatoki bar. sicheng wasn't planning on going to this expensive bar, one of the most expensive in the city, he just said that so yuta wouldn't think lowly of him.

he stared in awe at the expensive building, already feeling out of place with his non-brand name shorts, and worn out shoes. yuta thought nothing of the building, and just dragged sicheng straight through the entrance, the guards not even giving the young ceo a second glance.

yuta was obviously a regular here so they knew he had money, and they didn't question the young kid accompanying him to drink at such a lavish bar.

"hi, happy birthday yuta!" a familiar voice chimed. it was kun, he was also part of the executive board but he was in building b, so sadly they didn't get to interact much.

"oh, hey kun..." yuta replies boredly.

"wow you brought a date? he's cute," kun blurts out.

"ahh, it's not like that," a flustered yuta exclaims as he awkwardly laughs away the situation, sicheng obviously feeling uncomfortable. kun nodded his head in realization, then turned his attention to sicheng. he gives him an apologetic smile, and extended his arm out in front of him.

"hi, i'm kun." sicheng returned the handshake, and a slightly uncomfortable smile back.

"dong sicheng."

the awkward atmosphere was broken as a waitress walked up to them

"what can i get for you, gentlemen?" sicheng thought to himself. 'i don't really like alcohol... but should get something so i don't look like a wimp..?'

he tugs at yuta's sleeve, getting his attention.

"i'll uhm... get whatever you're getting..," he murmured. yuta smiled at his shy behavior and told the waitress what they wanted to drink. secretly, she already made the drink because yuta ordered it every. time. suddenly, sicheng saw two tall men walk into the bar, rapidly waving at yuta. well one of them, the other one looked embarrassed.

"hey, yuta is finally out and about!" the male took a glance at the crazy taller.

"wong yukhei, or lucas, either is fine," he said as he smiled brightly. his aura was extremely overwhelming and it was impossible to fight a smile while talking to him.

the other male next to him scoffed, and turned to the overly enthusiastic-tall male.

"shut the hell up lucas, you're gonna scare him."

he then turned to sicheng and gives him a small smile. "I'm doyoung. nice to meet you."

sicheng just giggles at their behavior and smiled, "i'm sicheng."

yukhei then tackled yuta into a bear hug, barely letting the older breath.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAN!", he screamed obnoxiously loud in the expensive bar. nobody even spared them a glance, not unfamiliar with the regulars' loud behavior.

"congrats to yukhei for getting the nobel peace prize of NOT keeping the peace," doyoung blurted out

"please tell me there's a remote where your umbilical cord should be."

yukhei just frowned then continued being his loud self at the place that they probably hung out more than their own homes.

he started to get even rowdier as their quite expensive drinks arrived, the alcohol giving them all an adrenaline rush after a few glasses. even doyoung was laughing along with lucas, leaving his uptight behavior from earlier.

meanwhile, sicheng was freaking out. he cringed at the bitter taste from the drink yuta ordered him. he didn't want to seem like a loser though, so he downed the whole thing. yuta just laughed at how long it took for him to do just one shot, him already being on his 4th one. sicheng ignored him, slightly frowning because he wanted to impress the older. he downed his 2nd one, somewhat getting used to the beverage.

yuta just stared at him, still somewhat sober after already drinking almost 7 shots. "you don't drink very often.. do you?"

sicheng just looked down, thinking of an excuse. "uh.. i do. today is just a day where i'm taking it slow-" sicheng looked up and fake smiled.

yuta just smirked and nodded, not believing the younger male at all.


sicheng huffed, not wanting the older to find him immature or boring. he then grabbed the other's glass, drinking it for himself, leaving the other in shock.

"woah, someone suddenly got brave. you feeling ok, pretty boy?" yuta said while looking him in the eye. to be honest, sicheng felt completely wasted. he just wanted to sit on the floor and roll around. instead of continuing with the crazy act, he just got this urge to start giggling. he giggled and giggled until he had other strange urges to do stuff. it was like he had a burst of energy to do stupid stuff that he DEFINITELY won't regret... so he did. is this how taeyong felt every day?

he felt so free and so happy, it was strange but relaxing. he looked at yuta. suddenly he wasn't feeling as unconfident and uncomfortable as he was before. he felt very relaxed and felt as if he should.... sicheng slowly leaned in to yuta. he didn't even realize what he was doing.

yuta noticed what sicheng was doing, and suddenly he wasn't so sober anymore. his brain unconsciously followed along as if it meant to press his lips against sicheng's, all along.

: extra long chapter today ! hope you enjoy. <3

sweet like candy, yuwinWhere stories live. Discover now