"Who catching bodies?" Carter waltzed in before grabbing Onyx from behind and placing a kiss on her neck.

"Wow, my man is missing and you wanna kiss all on Onyx in front of me. I can't wait until you go missing." I teased as they laughed at me. I was slowly losing my mind. One minute I was laughing and the next I was thinking about Banks and it was definitely putting me in the worst mood.

"He's alright sis, relax." He said as I nodded hoping that he was right.

The doorbell rang and I knew it was Ayden. Blu rushed to the front with the biggest smile on her face. She was so happy to see her dad and it melted my heart.

"You can go open the door." I smiled as she gasped in shock. She knows that I hated when she ran to open doors but today I thought it was necessary.

"For reals?" She asked as Carter laughed. He always thought that the way Blu talked was amusing.

"For reals Tookie." He said as I rolled my eyes. I hated that nickname.

She didn't waste a second after getting Carter's approval she rushed to the front door and swung it open revealing her dad.

"Daddy!" She squealed jumping into his arms.

"Hey Princess." He smiled as he held her in his arms and kissed her forehead. "I missed you so much big girl."

"Uh-uh! I missed you this much." She said opening  her arms as wide as they could go. "That's way more than you missed me."

"Words can't even explain." He said as I watched them interact in the doorway. I didn't even notice that I was smiling until he looked up at me and I cleared my throat.

"Hey, B."

"Hello Ayden." I said as he smirked before putting his attention back on Blu.

"You ready to go?" He asked Blu as she nodded with the biggest smile. She was genuinely happy to be with her dad and for a moment that's all that mattered. "We're gonna head out I'll have her back at around 8."

"Y'all two have fun." I said walking up to Blu as we shared a peck. "Bye Blu baby."

"Bye mommy." She said as they walked away. As they got further away my mind began to think about Banks and where he could possibly be.
I woke up with the worst headache ever. I felt like I had been sleeping for days and still I didn't have any energy. I wanted to go right back to sleep but I was confused about everything around me.

I sat up in the familiar bed and realized that I was in my own home. I was completely naked and the answer to all the questions in my head led to Sky. All I remember is going over to her place and then darkness. Although my memory was fuzzy, I knew Sky was up to some crazy shit.

I tried to get up but my head was pounding so I decided to lay back down. I slammed my head down on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling.

"So I'm looking for you and you're just taking a nap?" A familiar voice said as I looked up to see Blessen. She looked so pretty, as usual. My head was throbbing so badly that I didn't even hear her come in.

"Hey mama." I said getting up still holding my head. I felt a breeze on my ass and remembered that I was naked before grabbing a pair of basketball shorts from a nearby dresser before sliding into them.

"I'm not your mother, nigga." She rolled her eyes. "You look very fucking comfortable and I'm here all stressed out thinking the worst and you're actually okay. If you don't want to be with me just say the fucking word."

"No, you got it all wrong." I shook my head as I sat down on the edge of the bed trying to gather my thoughts.

"Then make me have it the fuck right!" She yelled as I sighed. I know Blessen very well and I could tell that at this point it doesn't matter what I say she has her mind made up. "I know you lied about where you were going last night. I- I looked in your eyes Banks and I just knew and it all makes sense. You were with Sky huh? You know niggas love they baby mamas. I'm not crazy and I'm nobody's fucking fool!"

She began grabbing pieces of jewelry off my dresser and throwing it at me. I tried to block it but one hit me dead in the eye. I soon got up and grabbed her hands as she began to scream. I loosened my grip as she tilted my face up with her hands and examined my neck.

"Is that a passion mark?" She said a little above a whisper. "Banks is that a fucking hickey?!"

She began hitting me as I tried to block her hits. Soon, they stopped as I heard my brother's voice.

"Chill out, B! Chill the fuck out!" He yelled but Blessen kept crying and screaming.

This is exactly what I didn't want and here it was. I could tell that I had lost her and all because I can't get rid of that part of my life with Sky. A lot of people wouldn't understand but that situation changed me for the worst and molded me for the better and I felt like I couldn't let it go completely. Now, I realized that it was time to stop being so available to Sky but I realized it too late.

"I'll fucking kill you!" She yelled kicking my way as Carter fought through her tantrum and got her out. I could still hear her screaming and hitting the walls until I heard the door slam.

I sighed and stood up looking at the knot that was forming on my forehead and how red my eye was becoming. I know that it will be bruised up tomorrow.

I plopped down on my bed with my face in my hands until I heard someone enter my room. I looked up to be greeted with my brother who was still trying to catch his breath. I had never seen Blessen get like that but I was happy that Carter came when he did because she would have definitely killed me like she said.

"Is she okay?" I asked after clearing my throat.

"I got her to calm down but she's mad as fuck." He rubbed his hand down his face as I shook my head.

"What did she say?"

"She's gonna kill you dude. You better keep everything in this bitch locked bruh." He ranted. "I don't even know what's going on but it smells like some fishy shit and whenever I smell some fishy shit I know that it's some Sky shit and that's some whack shit."

I couldn't even talk I just looked up at him. Once again, I let Sky ruin something great in my life because I felt like I needed to be there for her. I couldn't see that she was my downfall and didn't want me to have anything good in my life if it doesn't involve her and today was the last straw. I never want to lose Blessen, especially not behind Sky.

"Get your shit together bruh." Carter said before patting my shoulder before he exited my room leaving me alone with a million thoughts.

I quickly got up and went to lock the door behind him just in case Blessen decided to come back. I can't fix anything if I'm dead.
Blessen in MM 🎀
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Love, ire_goldie

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