Lexie slowly moved so she was sitting on Arizona's lap. She didn't want to go to fast but she thought she was ready to give herself to Arizona.

Arizona pulls out of the kiss and leans back to search Lexie's eyes.

A soft smile crossed Lexie's face.

Smiling softly, Arizona leans in and connects their lips in a slow and passionate kiss.

Lexie wrapped her arms around Arizona's neck.

Shifting, Arizona moves to lay Lexie on the bed, climbing over her and deepening the kiss.

A soft moan left Lexie's mouth.

The blonde slips her tongue past Lexie's lips and deepens the kiss even more.

Lexie tangled her fingers through Arizona's hair.

Their kiss was quickly growing heated, Arizona's body now completely flush against Lexie.

Lexie pulled away and began pushing off her lab coat.

Sitting up some, Arizona helps her.

Lexie smiled at Arizona.

Leaning down, the blonde connects their lips once more.

Lexie smiled into the kiss.

Just as things were getting heated their pagers began going off for a 911 in the er.

Lexie pulled away and looked at her pager. She sighed. "We'll have to continue this later."

Arizona nods her head and moves off of Lexie, clearing her throat.

Lexie stood up and pulled on her lab coat.

Even though part of Arizona was frustrated they had to stop, another part of her was thankful they did.

Lexie felt guilty. She was ready but now that they had stopped she wasn't sure if she could build herself up again.

Neither woman knew what the other was thinking as they made their way to the er.

"Doctor Robbins over here." A nurse yelled.

Arizona instantly moves over to the nurse. "What do we have?" she asks, pulling on some gloves.

"Ten year old boy with internal bleeding." The nurse said.

Nodding her head, Arizona moves toward the bed. "Hey buddy, can you tell me what happened?" she asks as she begins checking him over.

"Car crashed." The boy said.

"Oh no, were you wearing your seatbelt?" The blonde asks softly.

The boy nodded. "Jenna wouldn't let me go in the car if I didn't wear a seatbelt." He said referring to his foster mother.

Nodding her head, Arizona smiles softly. "Okay buddy, we're going to run some tests and make sure you get better."

The boy nodded. "Where's Jenna?" He asked.

"I'll have someone check for you." Arizona says softly.

The boy nodded again. "I'm Ryder."

"Okay Ryder, you're going for some tests and I'll find Jenna." Arizona says softly.

Ryder nodded.

Arizona moves away from the bed and over to the nurse. "Is his foster mom Jenna anywhere in here?"

The nurse looked around. "I don't think she has been brought in yet."

Nodding her head, Arizona looks around. "Keep me updated if she gets brought in."

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