Lexie frowned, she pulled her arm out of Arizona's hands. "Let go. It was sore."

Sighing, Arizona looks into Lexie's eyes. "Then you should've told me."

Lexie looked away sheepishly. "You're not my Doctor."

"That doesn't matter, I could've fixed it." The blonde responds softly.

Lexie hesitated slowly before letting Arizona take her arm.

The blonde gently fixes the IV so that it doesn't hurt. "Better?" she asks softly.

Lexie nodded slowly, she picked up the cards.

"Okay, so you can start if you would like." Arizona says, picking up her own cards.

Lena organised her cards in her hands. "Do you have any threes?" She asked.

Callie and Meredith stood in the doorway, watching them.

They continued their game until Arizona's pager went off.

Arizona sighed and put her cards down. She looked at her pager. "I have to go."

Lexie nodded. She put her cards down.

"We'll finish this game when I come back." Arizona promises before getting up and making her way out of the room.

Lexie sighed, she sat back on the bed and pulled the IV out of her arm.

"Hi." Meredith says softly, stepping into the room.

Lexie didn't look up.

Moving over to the bed, Meredith takes a deep breath. "We're related." she says softly.

Lexie only nodded.

"It's nice to meet you officially." Meredith says softly.

Lexie swallowed. She didn't look up. "You don't have to talk to me. I can hear it in your voice, you don't care."

"Hey, that's not true at all. I do care, I just never knew you existed. Thatcher only told me about Molly." Meredith responds, reaching over to grab Lexie's hand. "I'd love to get to know you."

Lexie flinched. She pulled her hand out of Meredith's reach. She looked up. "You met Molly?" She sounded hurt.

"Yeah, she was here when Thatcher brought her mother in for the hiccups. I think she was about six months pregnant." The older woman responds.

Lexie bit her lower lip and squeezed her eyes closed. She took a deep breath. She pressed her hands to her forehead, digging her nails into her skin and brought her knees up to her chest.

Reaching forward, Meredith gently pulls Lexie's hands away. "Don't do that, Bailey and Webber already want you checked by Psych, don't give them another reason."

Lexie flinched. "I'm not crazy." She snapped. "You don't know what's going on with me... none of you do... none of you should know.... this is my burden to bear... not yours." She pushed her tears away.

"Hey, you're my sister and I want to be there for you. Tell me what's going on. Is it something to do with Thatcher?" the blonde asks softly.

Lexie flinched at the mention of her father's name. "Why do you care?"

"Because, you're my family." Meredith responds.

"You don't know me. You don't owe me anything." Lexie said.

Meredith frowns. "I want to get to know you, you're my family and I wish I had known about you."

"He didn't even mention me when you met Molly... Molly didn't mention me." Lexie whispered. "I'm the black sheep. I'm the odd one out."

Attendings and Residents: Loving YouWhere stories live. Discover now