"Believe me, there have been interns that didn't show up on the right day." Arizona responds, reaching over and squeezing her arm. "So just think, you got a better first start because you showed your willingness to learn."

Lexie took a long deep breath before entering the room.

Everyone turned to look at her.

"Nice of you to finally join us Dr. Grey." Miranda Bailey says, looking at the intern with an unimpressed face.

Lexie swallowed, biting her lower lip anxiously. She dropped her eyes to the floor, feeling rather small.

"That would be my fault Bailey, she was with me. I was showing her around since she was actually the first one here." Arizona says, stepping into the locker room.

"Doctor Robbins. You didn't think to just bring her straight here?" Doctor Bailey said.

Lexie moved into the room and stood at the back of the group of interns, out of Bailey's view, fair to say she was afraid of Bailey.

"I'm sorry, but I believe I'm your boss Miranda. So it doesn't matter what I did. She shows promise as an intern. I'll take her on my service." Arizona responds as the rest of the doctors walk in.

The interns turned to look at Lexie.

"Show off." A young boy muttered.

Lexie felt slightly excited but also very nervous. It was only the first day and already the other interns hated her. She kept her eyes on the floor.

Sighing, Dr. Bailey nods. "Take her to get her notebook and pager." she tells Arizona. "Grey, move now."

Lexie jumped and quickly squeezed past the other interns.

One of the interns stuck out his foot and tripped Lexie up.

The brown haired girl fell face first onto the floor. "Ouch." She whimpered.

"Lopez that was uncalled for, you're with Dr. Grey." Bailey snaps out, glaring at the intern while Arizona helps Lexie up.

"That hurt." Lexie whispered.

"Whimp." Another intern muttered.

Arizona just sends her a soft smile. "Ignore them, they're just jealous that you're with the best doctor." she jokes as she passes Meredith, Christina, Derek, and Alex.

"Best doctor." Christina laughed. "PEDS is easy work. Try operating on a heart"

"Try a brain." Derek said.

"PEDS? As in children." Lexie stopped, she swallowed.

Arizona turns toward them. "You do realize that losing a child is a lot harder than an adult? Only the strongest survive and if I remember correctly none of you could handle it."

The other surgeons went quiet.

"I can't handle it." Lexie said. "I'm too emotional."

"Being emotional means you'll make an amazing PEDS surgeon." Arizona responds softly. "Just ask Dr. Karev. Now let's go."

Lexie swallowed anxiously, she followed Arizona towards the PEDS ward.

"Take a deep breath, you will be fine I promise." Arizona says, reaching over and squeezing her hand.

Lexie closed her eyes and took a long deep breath through her nose. She let it out and opened her eyes, not looking at Arizona.

"Okay, what you're going to do for now is go to the nurses station and read the charts before rounds." Arizona tells her, pointing toward the nurses station on the PEDS floor.

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