Chapter 3: Protecting A Pup

Start from the beginning

"He's technically involved so there really is no need to blindfold him" Kovar replied, closing the blinds and turning on the board in the background.

There was silence as Kovar thought about how to put what he wanted to say out properly...

"The United States has a problem," Kovar said.

This got London and Isabel's attention, "What?" London replied, very puzzled by what he was hearing.

"You heard me... There is a Pokémon, a US national, who's been up to some very extreme activities is causing mayhem across the country. His name is Tristan Paine, born in Maryland in 1989, joined the army in 2010 and was dishonourably discharged in 2015 for leading a squad of commandos to destroy a village in Syria... No one survived" Kovar explained, showing photos of the Zoroark in a military uniform and a picture of the village he attacked on fire.

"We believe him and his brothers, Azath, Tomas, Qrow, and Ricky are setting up some sort of coup d'etat in the US. If he gets his way, every nation on this very planet will be under American control. Now, of course, he has been slammed in the media, the press, anyone you can think of for his ideas. The president is even considering extraditing Paine from the country, that's how bad of a threat he is to the world" Greene added, the photos of the brothers showing up on the board.

London nodded, he understood what was going on now, so did Isabel.

"Now, this is the part that concerns silver puff right here, on the 4 April 2019, there was a power outage all across Tokyo. On the 16 June 2019, there was a power surge throughout the Tokyu Electric Railway companies lines and on 17 August, there was an electrical fire in Shinjuku that burnt an apartment building almost to a crisp... All these occurrences across Tokyo caused 156 deaths, the fire causing most of them, 208 injuries and ¥9.8 trillion yen in damages... When Paine heard about these incidents he sent his brothers to check it out and low and behold they found your brother. Tokyo must have gotten startled and fled to the UK. Azath tried to corner him somewhere near Knightsbridge and ended up shooting him in the waist, he's in military custody and if the Paine brothers do not quit what they're doing... We have given the British the full right to execute him" Greene explained showing a live feed of a Zoroark in a padded prison cell in Belmarsh.

When Tokyo saw the picture of Azath, he whimpered, London rested his head on his mane and rubbed his head.

"When do I start?" London asked.

"A week" Kovar replied, then he turned off the board

London sighed, "I understand"

"You're dismissed," Kovar said turning off the projector.

While on the way home, Tokyo was blindfolded once again because... Well, you would not want a little Eevee to know where your agency is.

While sleeping, London heard a noise coming from the downstairs, he figured it was Veeyoshi or Tokyo going into the fridge, but then he heard talking and the faint sound of guns being loaded. He put on a large shirt and grabbed his G17 and headed down the steps, once there he peaked to see five huge Pokémon dressed and black and wearing night-vision goggles. The Eevee loaded the gun and tiptoed up the steps, hiding behind the wall next to them and waited for them to creep up the steps.




London abruptly shot two of the big Pokémon on the steps and the fell back down onto the others, they pushed the corpses off them and began shooting at the spot London shot from, the Eevee thought he was pinned. The Eevee's were woken up by the noise and they peeked out their doors, Moonlake who was grumpy was not in the mood for gunfire and noise. London looked back to see the Eevee's eyes were turning red from irritation but before he could react, something flashed passed him, a red streak following whatever zoomed by Moonlake, leaving the hazel-eyed Eevee baffled.

Suddenly the intruders began screaming and yelling in agony. They were fried to death, steam and the smell of burnt flesh filling the air, Isabel looked outside and saw London staring down the steps, she looked down and saw Tokyo standing on one of the steps panting in an exhausted manner... Then he looked up at his brother and ran up the stairs to give him a hug, London was in awe as the Eevee continued to nuzzle him lovingly.

"I - I wuv you" Tokyo whimpered nervously.

London wrapped his arms around Tokyo, his eyes still wide, "I- I love you too"

Moonlake and Veeyoshi looked at each other, then back at Tokyo who was hugging London in the most affectionate manner possible.

"What did I just witness?" Veeyoshi whispered.

"I just witnessed an Eevee use Volt Tackle... Or whatever he just did. Oh boy, is one special boy" Moonlake whispered to himself as the two watched Tokyo licked London's face.

Agent London Flareon Volume 2. 🇬🇧🇯🇵🇸🇪🇫🇷🇮🇪Where stories live. Discover now