chapter 61 - the knife (part 2)

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Your pov

You look at your hand covered in blood. You drop to your knees and your vision mists.

"Oh hey Toby" you say weakly "I'm glad ... you're . . . h . . e . . . r . . . . e" your limp body falls into Toby.

Toby's pov

Y/n fell into me and damn was I equally worried and pissed. When can I just fucking talk to her? Why can't we just have five minutes of peace without either of us having to do something ?

I bandage her hand tightly. Jeff I swear you better have not caused any permanent damage.

"Child, take her to her room" slender orders
"Yes sir"

I pick the unconscious y/n up and walk to her room.

*time skip*

Your pov

You open your eyes and its dimlly lit. Your blurred vision ceases and you find yourself in your room again. You sit up and look at your hand. What was once traced and covered in blood is now cleaned and bandaged. You can see some blood had stained the bandages. You grip your hand closed.

"Hm" you think "doesn't hurt?"

You shake the thought away and get out of bed. Its dark out, the snow stuck to the ground but not much of it. Your stomach grumbles and you head for the door as you push it, a rusty creek noise sprouts. This place must be really old.

The hallways are quiet and peacefully so. Remembering the path you took before you headed to the kitchen. The stairs squeaked as you went down slowly.

There's still a box of cereal on the dinning table. You open the fridge and see some milk. You eventually find a bowl and spoon and start eating. As you chew your taste buds yell with excitment! Its felt like an eternity since you tasted something so ... Normal to have.

"Jack that better not be you eating my cereal again" a raspy and tired voice groans from the stairs

Your grip on the spoon tightens and you swallow quickly.

"I-its just me" you respond make sure you're not too loud to wake anyone up

The figure enters the room and the moonlight from outside dances of the figure gradually revealing their facial structure. They seem pleasantly surprised to see you.

"Y/n" the figure says breathlessly
"Toby" you blush

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