Relationships Final Part: Holy sh--

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[Hosuh POV]

I woke up to loud rumbling. I jolt up and jump out of bed, afraid that an earthquake was hitting the mansion. I run out of my room and down the hallway to Stephen's room. I remembered his room number and ran as fast as I could.

I saw a group of members running in the opposite direction. I ran up and them and panted. "Excuse me? Do you know what's going on?" "I think the animators initiated their experiment!" They ran past me and I was about to keep running when the rumbling stopped. I look around and sighed. No earthquake... But what experiment? (Jay wants to know too) I start to walk back to my room.

I yawn and rub my eyes. I was a mess and I just ran down a hallway in a panic for no reason. I walk back down the hall staring at the floor. I was tired and hungry. I slouched as I went down the chilling hall. I started to doze off as I'm walking until I tripped and fell. I landed right on my nose. "O-ow..." I got on all-floors and saw blood dripping onto the tile. I felt my nose and realized it was bleeding. Great, now I have to find the hospital wing. I got up and kept my hand at my nose to try and hide the blood.

I kept walking until I got tackled from the left. "AHH!!" Whoever tackled me, they did it hard... My right arm hurt a lot now, I think he might've fractured it or something. "Hosuh! Come on! You gotta see this!" Jay (the animator) had tackled me as soon as he saw me across the hall. "See what?" I try to get up but my right arm hurt so much... "Sorry. Here, let me help you." He held out his hand and I took it. He took out a handkerchief and gave it to me. "Thanks. Sorry, I'm so clumsy." "No, it's fine." I cleaned up the blood on my face and stuck it in my nose. He took me through the halls, going left and right until we got to... the lab?

We walked in and he took me into a separate room. "You felt the rumbling, right?" "Yeah, I thought there was an earthquake. I heard you were doing an 'experiment?'" Jay nodded and took me to a nursey inside of the lab. He took me to this wooden door that didn't have windows for some reason. (plot convenience--) "The experiment worked, but they're very... confused, to say the least." "Who?" I tilted my head and look at the door. Jay sighed and opened the door.

I saw a man sitting in the nursey talking with Pau and Ivu. He looked oddly familiar... He had purplish peachy hair with a spiky mohawk. He was looking down at the floor, so I couldn't see his face. "Hosuh..." I looked at Ivu. Everyone looked surprised, sympathetic... it was hard to read their expressions. But I for one was just confused. Adam spoke next, "Meet..."

"Jayphen." (grammarly tried to correct it to japan)

My eyes widen. I couldn't speak, not even gasp. The man looked up at me, I could feel tears form in my eyes. He had red eyes. The same red eyes they shared...

It was Stephen and Jay...

"Hi, Hosuh."

I put my hands over my mouth and go and hug him. It sounded like Jay and Stephen it was just so weird! It was both of them but in the same body... I cried into his shoulder and hugged him tightly. I heard some of the others cry because when someone else cries, they cry. (it exists, cuz i am evidence.) I felt him tighten his grip around me. He started to cry too. Everyone was hugging each other and crying. Someone kissed someone else because I heard "Ooooooh" around me.

I pull away from the hug and look at him. "I-is it really you?" He laughed a bit and smiled. "Of course, kitten. King Jayphen is supreme." I laugh. Yep. It was him... I look at him one last time. I realized I was sitting in his lap. I turned pink.

"Oooh, Hosuh look at you~ already in your boyfriend's lap." Jayphen blushed and smirked. "Shut up, Adam." I stuck my tongue out at him and looked away. I crossed my arms and I heard everyone giggle. "You all suck. >//^//<" "Awww, even me?" I raspberry in his face. "Pleh! Again?!" We all burst into laughter.

After a while, I started to fall asleep on Jayphen. It's gonna be weird calling him that... I had no idea what time it was, but I was ready for bed. I started to lean into Jayphen, then before I knew it, I was asleep.

[Jayphen POV]

I felt Hosuh leaning on me and I heard soft snores. I told you it was adorable! I laughed and put his head on my shoulder. Everyone started giggling. I blushed a light pink and made sure he was comfortable. "You should get him to bed, it's 2 in the morning." I nodded and picked up Hosuh. I said goodnight to everyone and opened the door, heading out of the nursery and lab.

I get into the halls and start my journey to Hosuh's room. Well, now that we're merged I finally know my way around here. Tch, you'll be cursed with knowledge. Well if I'm cursed with your knowledge, you're cursed with MY knowledge too. And how will that affect me? I know Hosuh's sensitive spots. Oh God, you bastard. I laugh out loud and look at my little kitten. He was fast asleep. His hair looked good down, I just love him so much. I pull him a little closer to me and keep walking.

We finally got to his room after like, 20 minutes. I opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind me. I placed Hosuh on his bed and stared at him. He was just so cute... I can't imagine a world without him. After a but of thinking, I climb into the bed with him. I put the covers over us and snuggled him. He snuggled into my chest and I blushed a little. I whisper into his ear, "I love you, kitten." "I love you too, Jayphen." He looked up at me and smiled. I smirked and held him tighter. Then we both drifted off to sleep.



this isn't as long as my other long boi, but still long. Also, the idea to merge Jay and Stephen was inspired by a Gachatuber called Sasha's YT. She did this in one of her older series, The Twins and Gangsters. It was so perfect, like.

MAN. if I didn't watch her, I would've made Jay depressed. :T

None of y'all want that.


Anyway, that's all for today! I have school to do soo BYEEEEEEEE


I also posted my first (content) video on my Gachatuber channel! The link is in a different chapter, I dare you to go find it >:3

Hosuh X Stephen X JayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora