They're quite similar, aren't they?

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WARNING: Self-abuse and the mention of depression.

I know I've been saying sorry a lot, but I REALLY am. I know how serious depression and self-abuse and abuse, in general, can be. Again, if any of these things make you uncomfortable or affect you in any way, please click off and go talk to close family members and/or friends.

[Stephen POV]

(stephen's all healed by the way) It's been almost a week since we found out about Daniel's situation... Hosuh was breaking down almost every day, and everyone else wasn't doing so hot either. I felt so guilty...

I loved Hosuh, but he loved me...

I hope he finds someone else... (don't worry, i got dis on lock!👍 )

Hosuh was still sobbing into my shirt, it was practically soaked at this point. I was hugging him tightly as he continued to cry. He kept yelling and clenching my shirt, saying how he was such a bad friend for not noticing. I tried to reassure him as much as I could, but we both knew there was nothing we could do except wait for him to wake up.

After about another 30 minutes, Hosuh fell asleep. Crying so much in one day is surprisingly really tiring, especially doing it for 6 days straight. I sigh and pick him up, (just assume bridal style unless i describe otherwise) taking him to his room. Jay comes along but we stay quiet. We were willing to put our love for Hosuh aside to help him cope with this since he was dealing with some things too, but they were minor compared to Daniel's.

We kept walking, said our hi's and such. "Anything new?" I looked at Jay. He looks broken... His face looked expressionless. He's staring at the floor and shook his head. "The only thing Ivu and Pau could figure out is that he'll be out for another week or two." I sigh and try not to think about it.

We were working out a way on who gets Hosuh, or if we'll both get heartbroken. We were also discussing how Daniel could get over me, which we really hoped would happen. We didn't know Daniel's preference if he was gay or bi, but when he wakes up we could experiment and hope for the best.

We got to Hosuh's room and Jay opens the door for me. I go and place Hosuh on his bed, putting the covers over him. I take his hair out of his pony, even though it was loose. I place (what i assume...???) his ribbon on the nightstand and leave.

I go out and close the door quietly. I glance at Jay, we were both in pain with this whole situation, even with our rivalry. A few nights ago, we gave each other cuts. At least there are a few things we have in common...

As we were walking aimlessly through the hallway, I asked, "Again tonight?" I looked at him, he looked at me. "Yeah..." He said, looking pitiful at ourselves. We kept walking and passed C12. I glanced at him and asked, "So you took care of them?" "Heh... Yeah." I smiled and kept walking with him.

We kept walking and walking... And then we got to the garden. I saw Jay put her fist to his heart and put his head down. I looked at the garden and saw that it was going to rain soon. It was a really big garden. "I'm surprised you let purple flowers even grow here." I look at him and he starts to laugh. "Yeah... I actually liked you. Just not with Hosuh..." "I could say the same thing." I saw there were a lot of white flowers and got an idea. I pull out my knife and ask... "Wanna try that thing in Alice in Wonderland where they paint the flowers but with blood?" "Oh hell yeah!" I knew it was a dumb idea, but we had to pass the time somehow. We might as well have fun together. Just so happened we both liked seeing blood, no matter whose it was.


First off, @artworld11tiktok , thank you for participating in the comments and such.
I finished another part! I didn't think I would be able to make another one tonight at a reasonable length. But hey! It's all guuuuuuud.


Anyway, I'm still urging you to find a close family member and/or friend to talk to if these recent parts are affecting you in any way, shape, or form.

and im sorry for making daniel depressed, but don't worry, i know what im doing, i just need time to daydream!

That's all, and have a great time!


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