Relationships? Pt. 1

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[Jay POV]

As Ann left, I glance at Hosuh who was still asleep. Stephen put Hosuh's head on his lap as the rest of his body on mine. I look at Daniel, he seemed better, but I knew the source of his depression, cutting, and everything else...


I forced him to join this gang and kidnap Stephen and Hosuh.

I forced him to do so much, and I knew he wasn't happy...

At least we can all agree that not everyone in the world can be happy...

"Jay!" I felt someone slap me out of my thoughts. Stephen slapped me as Hosuh asked if I was OK. "I'm fine, Hosuh." My cheek stung and I assured him I was fine. "Alright, now it's talk time." Stephen looked at all of us and Daniel nodded. "So... Relationships," Hosuh remembered Stephen and Jay's rivalry and got off their laps all flustered.

"Daniel... I know you love me, but we can still make this whole thing work. I saw how you looked at Ann and I think this situation will be easier than... this." Stephen looked at me and Hosuh. He smirked at Daniel when he talked about Ann. Daniel turned a light pink and I laughed.

They continued to speak but I was just staring at Daniel. I looked at how happy he'd become. I wonder how long it will last and how happy he'll be with Ann. and their ship name

I realized I was spacing out again because Hosuh started to raspberry in my face. "Agh ew!! Why!!" Everyone started laughing and I cross my arms in flusteration. haha. get it..? "Pleh! I think it got in my mouth!" "Good!" Hosuh stuck his tongue out at me and I tried to think of something else. I wanted Stephen to have Hosuh, but it's so hard to let him go... He's so cute...

[Hosuh POV]

I stuck my tongue out at Jay and he looked away. I chuckled and looked at everyone. They were all laughing and having a good time... But choosing between Jay and Stephen should be easier but it's not... I shouldn't have kissed Jay, but that makes me feel so bad inside...

I wonder how much longer this happiness will last.

I realized I was crying and quickly wiped away my tears. But it was apparently too late because Stephen already got me tissues and pulled out an extra shirt. "I'm fine, Stephen! I was just spacing out." "Alright, if you say so." "Wait, then why didn't I get to spit in his face?" We all started to laugh again. I felt like I was home...



Hey y'alllllll! Thanks for reading! Sorry it came out late, I started on my computer, then I watched Spiderman: Far From Home, (great movie btw👌) then I got sidetracked, then I finished the rest of this on my phone.

I'm typing this on my phone with a bird in my head :T

Ok, good night y'all 😆


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