P-Please! Stop...

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Heyoooo! This part has a sexual reference, again, please click off if this makes you uncomfortable.

                                                                                  [Jay POV]

After Dan leaves, I stare at Hosuh in my arms. I lay him on my lap, his legs dangling off the side of the armchair of my throne, his head rested on my elbow. He looks so peaceful... I remain seated on my and keep staring. I finally have him... He's finally mine, and away from Stephen.
About 20 minutes pass until Hosuh starts to wake up. He groans in pain, but I stroke his head to reassure him, feeling his soft, light grey hair.

                                                                               [Hosuh POV]

I slowly open my eyes, feeling a hand on my head. I look to my left and see Jay, his eyes filled with lust and passion. I flinch and almost fall out of his lap.


"Hello, Hosuh. How are your wounds? Are they healing?"

I look at a few of my bruises and see that they're less purple. I assume Jay was bandaging me, putting special cream on my wounds or something...

"They d-don't hurt a-as much I... guess..."

I don't dare to look at him, especially his eyes. My body is still weak, and my head is pounding. I look around the room. It's dark and the walls were made of stone. There were few light sources, mainly torches placed on the walls around the room. There's a red carpet with gold lining and a few steps leading up to Jay's throne. I see a big bed in the shape of a heart and I shudder at the thought. Then Jay starts to speak.

"You know Hosuh, I've always dreamed of a romantic relationship with you... Hanging out every day, having fun, and just being around you. It's nice to finally have that."

His words sound sincere, but I love Stephen, not him. This is blackmail!

"B-But... Jay. Y-You know I love Ste--"

I was going to finish, but then I see Jay's eyes. He looks down at me with a cold stare, his eyes having a red glint and I start to whimper.


He stares at me for a few seconds and starts to speak again.

"If you want to avoid being raped, I suggest you don't mention Stephen, in any way, shape, or form."

He sounded serious, but also playful. I nod in fear and I start to feel tears beginning to form in the corners of my eyes. All I could think of was Stephen, wishing I was with him instead. Praying that he was ok...


Please stay alive...

Hosuh X Stephen X JayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang