Jay..? (long-ish boi)

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[Jay POV]

I kept kissing Hosuh, hearing everyone screaming in the background. I pulled away and looked at him. He turned into a red cherry and I just laughed. We continued to eat and talk. Hosuh seemed more comfortable. I guess he forgot about him already. I smiled and talked with the others. I wondered where Dan was... Eh, I don't need to worry about it.

After late breakfast? (I dOn't kNoW) we all went back to our business except for me and Hosuh. He didn't know what to do, and I wasn't sure if he had anything in mind. We were walking down the hallway when I got an idea. "Follow me, I have something to show you." Hosuh looked up at me and started to follow at my side.

After a few minutes of walking, we reached the mansion's garden. It was filled with colorful flowers, trees, and there just about a million butterflies. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming... On days like these... Kids like us... Should be falling in love. (I don't think the butterflies are an exaggeration because I've been to a smol garden belonging to one of the Founding Fathers ((forgot which one)) before and there were like, 20 butterflies.) Hosuh stared in awe as he contemplated the beautiful scene in front of him. "Wooow..." He said. He was almost speechless. I could see the sun reflect his blue eyes. They shined like the ocean. I smile to myself and start to speak. "We can hang out here if you want." "Can we?" Hosuh whipped his head to look up at me as his eyes lit up. "Of course, kitten!" He blushed and stuck his tongue out again. He ran down the middle of the garden to look at the roses. It was a long way down so I chase after him. "I'm gonna get yaaaa!" "Noooo! You can't catch me! I'm the gingerbread man!" He threw his arms up and pretended to scream. I catch up to him and grab him. We tumble into some grass and we laugh a bunch. I ended up being on top of Hosuh and he turned back into a tomato when he realized our position. "You like what you see, kitten?" I smile at his flusteredness, he was speechless.

We stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds, then I leaned down and kissed him. I could tell he was enjoying it because he wasn't tense. After a few moments, we parted. He smiled which made me smile. I got off of Hosuh and he sat up. After a few moments of silence, he asked a question. "How long have you been in this gang?" "Well... I established it around 7 years ago..." "Why did you make it anyway?" "My parents... They..." I trailed off and started to remember that...

indescribable day...


I could hear mommy and daddy yelling at Joe again for trying to steal their money. (plz don't hate on me for doing this...)  I came out of my room and saw that Joe was on the floor. Daddy was holding him down and he had a knife in his hand. I look at mommy and she had a gun.


But it was too late...

She shot Joe right in the head. I began to cry as they realized that I saw it happen. I looked at my big brother... He was expressionless. I started to back away from them... "Now you little shit..." Daddy began to walk towards me with his knife. I ran into the kitchen and called the police.  "COME BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE BITCH!!" "Hello? Please come help me! Daddy has a knife and mommy shot--" Daddy grabbed my arm and picked me up which made me drop the phone. He made a big cut on my arm. I screamed in pain and he dropped me. I looked up at him, his eyes were practically red. I looked behind him and saw mommy coming with the gun. I closed my eyes, expecting a sharp pain in my body...

Then I heard sirens in the back, then someone kicked the door down. I opened my eyes and saw some men taking mommy and daddy away. I ran outside to try and grab them, but I was held back by some of the other men. "Mommy! Daddy! Wait!" Police sirens were heard in every direction. I could barely see from all the flashing lights... I saw an ambulance with Joe on a bed with wheels. I saw mommy and daddy put in handcuffs. The police forced them into a car and they drove away. I was crying and struggling to get out of the other guy's grip. "Don't leave me!!!" I held out my arm, trying to reach them. I kept begging but they never came back. Everything else was blurry...

"Jay...? Jay!"

I snap back into reality. I realize I was spacing out. I was crying and Hosuh had been shaking me and telling me to snap out of it. I wipe away some tears away and felt Hosuh hug me. I hug back and cry harder. Hosuh rubbed my back and kept hugging me until I pulled back. He wiped tears from my face. "We don't have to talk about it, I can see your pain." I nodded and rubbed my eyes.

[Hosuh POV]

I gave Jay a reassuring smile and got up. I put my hand out to him, helping him up. I start to walk back onto the path and went to some nearby lilies. I sat on my knees and looked at them. Jay sat next to me. "Lilies are actually my favorite kind of flower." "Really?" "Yeah..." I could tell someone close to him liked lilies too, so I changed the subject. "Why me?" I look up at him, staring into his red eyes. They were like rubies... I could get lost in them all day. "Well... There are a lot of reasons why I chose you. Can you name one?" Jay looked at the lilies, then at me. How many could there be? I tried thinking about why he chose me, but I couldn't think of any reason. "I don't know. Tell me!" "Well... You're really kind and loving. You can even love someone like me... All my mistakes... All my flaws..." "J-Jay..." The conversation started to get dark again, so I side-hugged him. "There's nothing wrong with you." I glance at my still bandaged up arm. "Well, maybe there's something wrong with you, but that's not the point." Jay laughed and booped my nose. "Kitten." I stick my tongue out and raspberry at him. He kept laughing, and I blushed. His smile was so cute...

And I'm done! I was going to make it longer, but then I would've stayed up all night. I hope y'all enjoyed and not attack me for making Jocat Jay's older brother. and dead

Anyway, I luv y'all and I hope you have a good day!

Summoner~Chan out!! Peace!

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