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Before this part begins, I'd like to thank everyone for over 40 reads! Like! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's only been out for... *intense math* 3 days? Around there. I'll try to do 1-2 parts per day, that sound good? Good. Enjoy!! <3
Also, this part has cursing, so, please. 

Keep in mind that all of these parts will have cursing, OK?

with that note, i'm not gonna censor a lot of the words, k?
ok enjoy (and yes i'll chill on the spacing)

                                                                               [Dan POV]

I walk down the hallway, going back to the dungeons after I dropped off Hosuh. I walk down the steps to the dungeons, wiping away tears from my eyes. I go to the cell that Stephen was in (they were in cells i forgot to mention that ._.) and saw that the 3 guys were still beating him up.

They had left the door open since they didn't worry about Stephen escaping. I walk in and cross arms, looking serious.

"Boss said that was enough."

They look back at me, Stephen was knocked out. They curse at Stephen and walk out.

"Aren't you gonna come, dickwad?"

"I'll catch up with you, I need to talk to him."

He shrugs and keeps walking as they talk about getting drunk the following night. He rolls his eyes and looks down at Stephen. He was beaten up badly, his bruises were big and purple, they had given him a black eye, as well as a broken right arm and several cuts that were still bleeding. I light shake him, hoping he was still conscious.

                                                                                [Stephen POV]

I feel something shake me and I slowly open my eyes. Everything hurts and stings.

"Nnngh... W-What... happ...ened...?"

I slowly manage to speak, but I can barely think. I see... Dan?

"Save your energy. I'm gonna patch you up as much as I can."

He took out some bandages, starting to bandage my cuts. I tried to move but I felt a sharp pain in my back. I wince at the sudden pain.

"Try to move as little as possible. Look I'm sorry, but Jay would've tortured me personally if I didn't hand over Hosuh."

Wait... Jay?! Jay was the boss? The one that stalked us? The one who kidnapped Hosuh!?

"J-Jay did all this?"

I exclaim, my voice sounding shaky. Dan nods with a sad expression, almost done bandaging me up. That motherfucker! I'll kill him! He helped me get up putting himself under my right arm.

"Listen, we need to save Hosuh. But first you need to rest."

I glance at him about to object, but he was right. I was so weak, I could barely walk. But that's when we heard a scream...

                                                                          [Hosuh POV]

I screamed as loud as I could, tears streaming down my face. I told Jay that I loved Stephen when he kept talking about how he hated him. Now I have to be punished...

Jay has taken out a sharp pocket knife and started to cut my right arm, writing letters in my skin. He had pinned me onto the cold floor, not letting me escape. (kinda like that scene in malfoy manner with hermione...)


I couldn't help but scream and shut my eyes, waiting for it to stop. Jay looked expressionless as he cut into my skin.

Finally, the pain stops. I open my eyes and glance at my arm. "JOSUH" was edged into my skin. (i'm not doing "Hay" on this) My blood trickles down my arm and onto the ground. Everything starts to go dizzy and I close my eyes...
That's all, folks! This is getting long ._. 560 words. :P

Hosuh X Stephen X JayWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu