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WARNING! This part contains self-abuse, depression and suicidal thoughts.

Viewer discretion is advised!

If these topics effect in you anyway, click off NOW and go find someone to talk to. I'm sorry if I affected you in any way.

[Jay POV]

As Hosuh continued to hug me, I felt so warm inside... I felt like...

I had a reason to live.

A reason to love.

And someone who actually loved me back.

For who I was.

We sat there for a few moments until I heard soft snores coming from the grey-haired boy. I chuckle and look down at him. He was still hugging me, but his grip obviously loosened. I hugged the boy and whispered into his ear... "Thank you..."

After a minute or two, I picked him up (bridal style) and took him back inside. As I'm walking down the hall, Hosuh started to twitch a little. He started to mumble and he started to cry. I got worried and set him down against the wall. I try to figure out what might be happening in his head. It might be about me... I heard him start to whimper and took him into a hug. He started to calm down a bit, but he was still crying. I pick him back up and start to go to his room, quickening my pace.

I got to his room and swung the door open and didn't bother to close it. I laid Hosuh onto the bed, starting to calm myself. I couldn't do anything but try to comfort him. I went and closed the door. I put him under the covers and kissed his forehead. I saw that he stopped crying. I breathed a sigh of relief and went to the door. But I was stopped. I looked back and saw Hosuh grabbing my arm. "D-Don't go..." I grinned and got in bed with him. He smiled and closed his eyes and so did I...

[Dan POV]

I came back from visiting Stephen. I heard Pau and Shai talk about Hosuh and Jay kissing earlier. I scowl at the thought and make my way down the hall to my room. On my way, I pass C12. Oh God, he did do it... I shudder and think about what might happen if I and Stephen got caught. I brushed off the thought and kept walking. I got to my room and opened the door.

I walk in and closed the door behind me. I  go toward my nightstand and rummage around. I managed to find a picture of all of us. It was our 1 Million Subscriber celebration at Disney Land. I stared at the photo and just wished I could turn the clock around and live my old life. No hatred, no kidnapping, no pain...

I put the picture back in the drawer but I rummaged around to find my knife. I took it out and smiled to myself. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I locked my door and started to cut my arms. I grunted at the pain, but I knew I deserved it. Before I knew it, I had covered my whole left arm in cuts... There was so much blood on the floor I thought I'd pass out. I got some bandages and my mop. 

After I cleaned up the mess I had made, I went back into the halls. I thought of what I should do to pass the time. I heard Jay and Hosuh were sleeping, so nothing there. Everyone else was busy. So I had nothing to do.

I decided to plan my death.

If Stephen and I's plan actually works, and Jay was cool or even dead for all I care, I could end myself with a few happy memories.

The old gang just one more time...

I decided I would jump off the mansion's roof about one month after we saved Hosuh. And if we didn't save him at all, well...

I would stab myself as many times as I could.

I realized I had been walking the whole time I was thinking about my death. I was outside in the courtyard. I had forgotten to put on a hoodie or long-sleeve shirt, so I was basically about to show any nearby members that I had been cutting myself. I started to run back to the entrance, avoiding any eye contact. I ran as fast as I could, passing people like Pau, Jay, Adam... All people I felt connected to, like my family, see me in this terrible state.

It broke my heart. And I knew I was breaking theirs, too.

I got to my room and slammed the door, locking it. I heard knocking and some people telling me to come out. I cried and slid down against the door, crying into my knees.

And then it all went dark...

I open my eyes and I'm still in my room. Huh... I thought they'd kick the door down, or somethin'. But no...

They did something...

Much worse.

I felt all dizzy and woozy. My vision was blurry, but it started to focus. Then I saw him.


Stephen was sitting on my bed, his head low. I couldn't see his face. I felt tears form in my eyes, I wanted to die so much!!



He lifted his head up. He was crying and holding up my knife. "And I thought I had an unhealthy obsession with knives..." He laughed and covered his face with his hand. He sat up and threw the knife off to the side. "Daniel..." I heard another voice, and I saw Hosuh coming at me from the other direction. "We're here for you!" He held his arms out and hugged me. I felt so bad... I couldn't bear it!

I knew they'd find out at some point but I didn't want it to be so soon! I knew I had help but I chose to ignore it! I knew I was in the wrong, I knew!


And I blacked out.


Hello everyone, thank you for reading.

Just a few notes, I am SO SORRY IF THIS PART HAS EFFECTED YOU IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM. If I have, PLEASE contact a family or friend to talk about it.

And another important thing, I am NOT dealing with these things. I am healthy, (at least i think i am) and again, I apologize in advance and have a great day.


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