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Anxiously, Jisung paced forward and backwards. Or, he tried not to trip on the long silk cape that trailed behind him as he started to walk through the twisting halls of the castle.

He has yet to find Hyunjin after his odd words to him. Maybe he had also felt that odd feeling that had been plaguing Jisung since he had risen.

Doing his best to distract himself from those negative thoughts, he didn't even notice where he was going until he ended up bumping into someone.

Falling onto the floor, he let out a low groan as the suffocating corset dug into his hips.


"I'm sorry, are you alr- Jisung?" A familiar voice spoke his name. Opening his eyes, the prince momentarily forgot about his pain as bright fire-red hair filled his vision.

Anyone would be able to identify such vibrant hair. It was a staple for those born into the royal family of Jungle City.

"Jeonginnie!" Jisung called out happily as the youngest helped him off of the floor. "What are you doing here?"

Prince Yang Jeongin stood before him. A white, delicate suit decorated with the finest jewels and the Yang family emblem adored him. His notable red hair was tame, brushed to a side with a white beret framing it.

"I'm here for you coronation, silly!" His fox like eyes narrowed more as a grin appeared on his face. "I can't believe you're going to be King! It doesn't quite suit you~" He teased.

"Hey!" Mock hitting the younger, Jisung fixed the fixtures of his cape. "To be honest with you however...." The playful expressions both royalties wore faded away. "I don't think so either."

Somehow the temperature seemed to have dropped in the hall, matching the young princes emotions. "Jisung..." Jeongin couldn't find the words to comfort his friend.

To be fair, Jisung had all the reasons to be filled with such negative thoughts. Becoming the ruler what used to be a very violent and war-driven nation can be difficult. It had only gone back to order with his grandfather and father mending the status between the humans and the vampires.

Sighing, Jisung resisted the urge to run his hand through his hair as he knew it would ruin his hairstyle and Hyunjin would have his head. Speaking of...

"Hey Jeongin," the young prince perked up at the sound of his name. "Have you by chance seen Hyunjin?"

The fox-like boy paused as he thought about the question, his finger naturally coming to rest on his chin. "I think I saw him earlier in the Great Hall alongside Seungmin."

"S-Seungmin?!" His eyes grew wide. Grabbing handfuls of his silk cape deciding he'll deal with the consequences of his messy appearance later, he stormed down the extensive halls.

"H-Hey wait for me!" The red-hair called out as he followed the young prince, not noticing as his white beret flew off. The detailed golden pins that adorned the headpiece making a soft click against the marble floors.

Expensive dress shoes clicked against the pale floors, the only sound heard was it's resonance against the walls. 

Slowing down, the dark silhouette stopped in front of a white lump on the floor. Delicate fingers pick it up, and turn it around to see what it was.

A beautiful white beret made of expensive fabrics and adorned with sacred jewels and pins.

"And what is this...?" A deep voice makes it's way out of the figure. Grabbing what he saw, he brought it close to his eyes before allowing a sinister smirk grace his face.

In between his fingers was a single strand of red hair.

To be continued . . . 

A/N: aand thats chapter 2! who is the dark silhouette? and what is he doing in the castle? the story will start becoming more interesting now, so please stick with it!


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