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And once more, he was drowning.

Magic had always been something that Felix held close to his heart, his soul. It was a part of him. Magic was something that enveloped him, made him feel safe. Made him feel like he could be something in this cruel world.

It was never something he wished for. In a world where magic is banned, who would wish this death curse upon themselves? Yet the longer he ignored the spark of enchantment, the more he began to long for it. He was a prince, yet only sat like a pretty figurehead while the council of Yellow Wood made the decisions for the country. Magic was something that was truly only his to have.

It started off small, as most things do. Yet the more you indulge yourself in things, the more you desire them, and magic is no exception. The gentle allure that pulled you further and further into the depths of darkness. Yet the longer he drowned in the magic, the more he basked in the suffocation. It was finally something that he could have for himself.

Until now. The sweet suffocation that held him so close began to grow cold, its grasp growing tighter and tighter. He choked and spewed as it suppressed him, smothering him in the very thing he had grown to love.

Growing tears muddled his onyx eyes, and blindly he swung out, grasping at the pure nothingness as the darkness stole his last breath. And with one final choke, he fell.

Felix could feel hands grazing gentle across the expanse of his body, yet he couldn't move away from it. He longed to continue swimming in the darkness, but the sudden scent of rotten iron had his eyes shooting open.

"You're awake." A voice that seemed so distance narrated.

The weak orange light of the candle proved too much for his weary eyes, and the prince quickly shut them once more. Though his tongue felt like a brick, he swallowed dried before managing to question. "W-who?"

"Conserve your energy, prince." The voice hushed him. Yet the growing smell of rotting iron and the growing realizing that he didn't know where or who he was with had Felix fighting to open his eyes once more. The baritone voice was just so familiar that...

He opened his eyes.

The intricate wooden patterning's of the Levanter kingdom's bedrooms greeted him, a line of smoke drawing across it as the candle burnt low. I'm at Jisung's place...?

"You want to tell me what the hell you mages were up to?" The unnamed voice questioned. Felix could feel the blood drain from his face from the word 'mages,' and completely forgetting his fatigue, he shot upwards.

Instantly pain danced throughout his body, and with a wet cough he dropped back onto the bed. A thin trail of blood slipped past his lips, yet he no longer had the strength to move his body. "Your lack of grace shocks me, prince."

Prince. The unnamed person kept referring to him as prince... He wracked his brain, slowly piecing together the picture. The smell of rotting blood, the deep voice, the constantly calling him prince....

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