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Seungmin stood, paralyzed with guilt as he watched the princes, his ex-friends, be led onto the wooden stage, the guillotine's blade shining in the sun's light. 

"I.. I sentenced my friends off to death..." His voice is but a whisper. Despite knowing what the likely outcome may be, he never expected the king to sentence his own son to death. 

He just wanted to help. To free the princes from the vampire's manipulation. He wanted to save them... not sentence them off to an early grave.

His pupils shake as he hears the booming voice of the announcer, but no solid words made it past his jumbled thoughts. As he watched the executioner step onto the stage, he turned around. His feet carried him, walking on auto-pilot away from the misfortune he had just caused. 

The young prince of District 9 returned to conscious thought when he realized his legs had brought him out to the vast gardens of the Levanter kingdom. The scent of the lavenders from the flower fields that laid just beyond the cobblestone walls relaxed his nervous slightly.

"You can't even face your friends, how pathetic." A deep voice rang through the silence, and Seungmin nearly gave himself whiplash as he spun around. Yet, strangely enough there was no one behind him. "Oh come on now, aren't you meant to be a hunter?" The voice taunted him. 

Before the prince could react, a cold hand grabbed a hold of his wrist, and he spun around once again, this time being met with deep, mesmerizing red eyes. The vampire smiled a mischievous grin, purposefully placing his elongated fangs out for display.

"I-it's you" Seungmin swallowed down the lump that began to grow in his throat. Despite being a hunter and being well-versed in hand to hand combat, vampires will always out-class them in both speed and strength, that's why hunters relied on their instruments. Instruments he didn't have on him at the moment. 

"Aw come on, I have a name you know" The taller's voice remained stable, in power, knowing he held an advantage over the hunter at the moment. "Name's are a human attachment." He remained stubborn. Somehow the immortal's grin seemed to grow wider at Seungmin's continuous defiance. "I'm Hyunjin, it would do you well to remember it."

The cheers from the audience carried over with the wind, and Seungmin could feel his heart begin to beat fast, guilt traveling throughout his body. "Poor hunter" The vampire seemed to bask in the sorrow that wafted off of him. "Condemned his friends to death and then has the audacity to feel remorse over it?"

"It was your fault!" He snapped, tugging his wrist that had been caught in the vampire's grasp. It didn't budge. "If you are your vampire pals hadn't strolled along, hadn't shown up and dragged them into it, then they would be alive right now!" Somewhere in the middle of his yelling tears had began to slide down his cheeks, but he didn't notice until a chilled hand wipe them away, before it stopped to cradle his face.

"What if I could help you, Seungmin?"

Deep brown eyes clashed with vermillion ones as silence grew over them. The vampire's words plagued the air around them. 

Despite his rationally side of his mind yelling at him that believing in a vampire will only end up hurting him more, he couldn't help but cave in.

"How, exactly?" He was already alone, how much worse could it get?

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