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"So, what's stopping you?"

??? YEAR

Quiet. Dim. Golden.

Everything seemed just so...perfect. So incredibly ideal. The gentle humming of the singers, the like strums of the harp interlacing with the mellow tones of the grand piano.

A slow danced in each others arms, the golden light of the grand candle-candler illuminating their faces in a warm tone. 

Jisung looked around, his eyes skimming his surroundings as confusion flooded his system. He was back..in the ballroom?

No longer were the grand windows shattered, the previously blood stained dance floor was pristine, not a single scratch upon its surface. The chairs sat in place, the long rows of tables still filled with platters of food. 

The moonlight glared, highlighting the select few people who were in the ballroom. The prince of Levanter could feel himself choke to find his voice, the calm sense of tranquility leaving his body.

He opened and closed his mouth, desperate to get the other princes attention. The loud thumps of his heartbeat echoed in the grand ballroom, the pulse speeding up as he realized no sound could escape him. Instead, he was doomed to watch as their white clothes slowly stained to dark red once more.

He was spun away from them suddenly, his feet following along with the motion before being dipped. Feeling nothing but cold as he stares into those ever so familiar vermillion eyes.


Jisung gasped, rapidly blinking. He was shocked to realize he was no longer in the ballroom, hell, he wasn't even in the cave anymore. He stood placed in the middle of a large meadow, fields of purple lavender contrasting against his dirtied white suit.

The wind caressed his skin and matted hair, a calming notion as the prince of Levanter stumbled around. Turning around in circles, left or right, he saw no end to the grand meadow. "But, where's everyone?" 

"Jeongin!" He called into the never-ending fields. "Felix! Can you hear me?" He could feel his heart speed up, anxiety flooding his systems. "Please, anyone!" Yet nothing but the swooshing of lavenders greeted him. "Minho!" He cried out as loudly as he could, spinning around. But as he stood still, awaiting for a sign of anyone being there, he came to the grime realization that he was utterly alone.

The wind whispered past him, and his feet began to carry him through the vast purple lands. There was no concept of time within the endless fields of lavender, two moons dancing in the pale blue sky confusing the young prince further. Despite the long time he spent simply walking in the same direction, he did not grow tired. 

The silence allowed Jisung to finally analyze his situation. The coronation, the vampires, the ritual, the blood. Yet despite it all, he couldn't feel any resentment towards the immortals. There was something Minho and the other vampires were avoiding telling them, he knew it. He just refused to believe it didn't go deeper than just 'you were reincarnated.'

Taking an albeit hesitant glance both left and right, he opted to follow where the sun was slowly falling far behind the purple fields. 

Time is a meaningless concept to the young prince as he gradually trudges his way through the lavender's, the purple pigment from the flowers further dirtying his suit. He felt as though he was walking around in circles, the scenery never-changing.

Daring a glance upon, he stops suddenly as he finally spots something; tall, towering cobblestone walls. 'It looks like... Levanter?' Adrenaline overtook his exhaustion as Jisung began in a sprint, hobbling down the meadow in his fraying shoes. The moonlight had long risen, and it was then that the prince had noticed a strange moving blob upon the tall walls.

Deciding not to act on impulse as that has always ended badly for him, the prince slowed to a jog before hiding behind a large lush willow tree. A willow tree he iconically remembered: a simple rope swing used to be tied onto its strong branch, his mother's laughter carrying along in the wind as she used to push him. Peeking around, he noticed a faint golden light glowing from one of the towers, and the dark silhouette making its way towards it.

Nothing but confusion riddles his body as he slowly stalks closer, trying to get a better view without leaving the safety of shadows of the willow. He was home? but everything seemed so strange, and oddly outdated. Realizing he wouldn't be able to get a good view from here, his eyes slowly trace up the tree.

Not allowing himself a moment to muse over the idea he reached out, and with just a bit of difficulty, climbed the old tree. Stood perched on one of the sturdier looking branches, Jisung braces himself upon it as he tries to peer into the tower. Into what he remembers to be his room.

Two silhouettes dance along with each other, their movements highlighted by the golden lights of what he assumes is a candle. Slowly, the shadows lean in close before they mesh into one big blob. A faint blue sparks between the dark shadows, and despite the new colour lasting a mere moment, the prince felt all the heat leave his body.

He could feel his body shake like a leaf in the wind, having little to no control over his body as he slumped into the thick trunk of the tree. 

"W-what was that..." His voice is but a whisper, like he hadn't drank water in days. With quivering hands the prince grabs a tight hold of his white blazer, right over his heart. It was the worst feeling Jisung had ever felt, like someone cursed him with the kiss of death, his soul slowly being sucked out of him. The world spun and he felt light-headed, nothing was linear anymore. Nothing made sense anymore.

Despite the flooding nauseous eating away at him, he felt a compelling pull telling him to look up at the tower once more. And despite the warning alarms blaring in his mind, he does, feeling his mouth drop open; whether in horror or joy he wasn't sure.

Vermillion eyes peered down at him.

"I can't let you go"

To be continued . . . 

A/N; I wrote this while listening to Suspended in Dusk by Type O Negative.... It was so strange, like a weird dissociative state of writing. Bit on the shorter end, but I hope the chapter is still enjoyable!


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