13 | Lonesome

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Five's POV
"Dammit. I should've never done that," I said under my breath.

"She just needs some time to cool down," Luther explained.

"No, you don't understand, Luther. She could get hurt—I...I have to go get her. I have to try to convince her to come back. I don't have time," I explained, heading out the door.

Luther grabbed my arm. "What do you mean she could get hurt? Why are you so keen on having her by your side at all times?"

"Because I-I..." I looked toward the door.

Luther gasped slightly, letting go of my arm. "You—you love her."

A nervous feeling settled in my stomach as I glanced at the door again.

"What? No."

"Is that why you had—"

"No! I—" I looked away, feeling my face turn red at the thought. I quickly masked my emotion, turning back to Luther. "I don't love anyone."

I teleported outside of the Academy, seeing y/n sitting on a bench nearby.

I walked up to her, tears streaming down her face.

I felt horrible. I had made her cry.

"Y/n..." I spoke softly, sitting down next to her. "I'm really sorry. I didn't—I don't know why I did that. I guess I'm just under a ton of stress and I—I'm sorry I've been taking it out on you. You don't deserve that. I-I...I'm sorry I'm such a mess, y/n. You deserve better. I wish I was able to come back all those years ago. I'm so sorry I've been treating you so—"

Y/n's arms wrapped around me, securing me in a hug. I hugged her back, caressing her hair.

She sniffled. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have snapped like that. It's just—I want everything to be okay."

"Me too."

"Then let me help," she said, releasing from the hug.

I stood up, grabbing her hand. "Okay."

Y/n's POV
"So all I have to do is find the people with the greatest probability of impacting the time line, wherever they may be, and kill them," Five explained.

"That seems reasonable," I added, sitting down in a chair nearby.

"Oh, yeah..." Five grabbed a notebook from his bedside table and began writing something down.

"Milton Greene. So who's he, a terrorist or something?" Luther asked, looking at the list Five had made.

"I believe he is a gardener," Five replied, squinting his eyes.

"You can't be serious," Luther exclaimed, looking at Five. "Wait, this is madness, Five. You—"

Five pulled out a gun from underneath his bed.

"Wh—Where'd you get that?"

"In Dad's room," he said, unzipping the case. "I think he used it to shoot a rhinoceros. It's similar to the model I used at work. Nice shoulder fit and highly reliable."

"But you can't—This guy Milton is just an innocent man."

"It's basic math," Five retorted.

"Luther, it actually makes sense. His death could potentially save the lives of billions," I added.

"Exactly! If I did nothing, he'd be dead in four days anyway. The apocalypse won't spare anyone," Five continued.

"We don't do this kind of thing."

"We are not doing anything," Five sneered, motioning between Luther and himself.

"We are." Five pointed at himself and me.

"I can't let you guys go and kill innocent people, Five. No matter how many lives you'll save," Luther spat.

"Well, good luck stopping us," Five shot back, walking towards the door.

Luther looked around before gazing at me with fury. "You guys aren't going anywhere."

"Wait, Luther—" I started, realizing what he was going to do.

He grabbed me by the neck, holding me out of the window.

"Luther, stop," I said frantically, trying to get out of his hold.

Five turned around quickly, aiming the gun at Luther.

"Put...her...down," he sneered.

"Put the gun down. You're not killing anyone today. I know she's important to you, so don't make me do this. It's either her or the gun," Luther continued. "You decide."

Five glanced at me, his eyes full of worry.

He stood his ground, looking back at Luther.

Luther glanced at me before loosening his grip.

"Don't," I pleaded.

He let go of me, letting gravity do its job.

I shrieked, mentally preparing myself for impact.

Five dropped the gun, teleporting to me.

He grabbed my waist, catching me.

"I can keep doin' this all day," Luther said, grabbing the gun in triumph.

Five glared at him before turning back to me.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Five asked, panting slightly.

The horrible feeling in my stomach died down and I felt like I could breathe again. I turned to him, his eyes locking with mine.

I nodded softly, "Yeah, I think so."

He held me gently, making sure I was okay.

"I know you're still a good person, Five," Luther exclaimed, walking up to him. "Otherwise, you wouldn't have risked everything coming back here to save us all. But you're not on your own anymore."

"There is one way," Five sighed, looking at him. "But it's just about impossible."

"More impossible than what brought you back here?" Luther asked.

Five glanced over at me.


Five unbuckled his seatbelt, sighing.

"You know, I never enjoyed it," he said, gazing at me and Luther.

"What?" Luther questioned.

"The killing. I mean, I was...I was good at my work, and I...I took pride in it. But it never gave me pleasure," Five explained.

He sighed, looking forward. "I think it was all those years alone. Solitude can do funny things to the mind."

"Yeah, well, you were gone for such a long time," Luther replied. "I only spent four years on the moon, but that was more than enough. It's the being alone that breaks you."

I looked down, thinking back to when Five had left.

"You think they'll buy it?" I questioned, changing the subject.

Five looked down at the briefcase. "Well, what I do know is that they're desperate. It's like a cop losing his gun. If the Commission finds out, they'll be in deep shit. Oh, not to mention the fact that they'll be stuck here until they get it back."

"Well, I should hold onto it," Luther suggested.


"In case they make a move on you," Luther explained.

"Okay, Luther, but be careful," Five said, glancing at the briefcase. "I mean, I've...I've lived a long life, but...you're still a young man. You got your whole life ahead of you. Don't waste it."

We looked forward, watching as a car made its way to us.

"Here we go," Five spoke before opening the car door.


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