Chapter 10: 𝚃𝚎𝚊 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙸𝙸

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     Clara was walking through the streets when she saw the Tea Shop was covered by yellow tape and crowded by police. But the most thing she saw among them all is the man who's looking at her with serious deadly eyes. The man took a sip into his drink.

     "Philippines, huh, What are you doing here?" America asked in a serious tone. "Oh, don't mind me, I was just...passing by," Clara said and smirked. "What about you, what are you doing here?" She asked back. "You see, yesterday, England calls me and asked me If I wanted to drop by in this shop. He said something, something like he's with you." America turns around and faces her with deep eyes. "But then, I saw come out from this door, then, I saw England being surrounded by a lot of people. Unconscious and almost turning blue. So, I immediately sent him to the nearest hospital." America said and take a sip into his cola.

     "That's quite nice. How is he?" Clara asked and again wearing a nice-caring personality. "He's already stable. He is also conscious now but he insists to speak." America walks towards her and stared at her for a second. "Be honest here Philippines, what did you do to him?" America asked. Clara's eyes widen. "W-what are you talking about?---Are you blaming me?" Clara asked. "Oh, then, why are you here yesterday with him?" He asked again and held her wrist. "Why am I here yesterday you asked?---America, this is a public place. Of course, I'll be here if I wanted to." She confidently said and slap his hand away from her.

      "Well, okay, that's a good reason," America said and walk pass to her. "I'll see you later...Philippines." America said and gave Clara a smile.

"I'll see you too...soon..."

. . .

     Time skipped: Its already night, Clara sneak into the hospital. This is the fifth hospital. Well, Clara doesn't know where and what hospital he's in so Clara did her work and look for him. Why? Because shes just bored.

     The guard saw her and immediately walk to her direction. She smiled. Of course, she will take care of it. Minutes later, she left the corpse and look at the cameras. She smiled again and slashed every camera she saw. "This is fun. I think." She whispered and licks her dry lips.

     She ran towards the counter and search for Englands' name. After 30 minutes of searching, there it is. "Kirkland...Room number...---Bingo~" Clara threw the folder and ran as quickly as she can. But before that, she saw some syringe and some bottles of medicine with high dosages. She smiled. "Nice toys...I'll take you with me." She said and ran off. Elevators aren't working, so she decided to used stairs.

     "62...63..." Clara hummed and then stopped. "Here it 64" She stopped for a while smiled. "Let's have some fun again shall we.." She hummed and entered the room.

     She saw Britain looking outside, Its seems he didn't notice and realized that there is someone with him in his room. Clara closed the door and started to clap. "Impressive, Such a talent. I didn't know you can resist poisons." Clara said. "So, it is you..." Britain said. "Of course, who do you expect anyway huh?" Clara smiled. "Anyway, I'm here to congratulate you because you survive the half of the bottle," Clara said and walk towards the counter has she put her blades covered with blood. "What the bloody hell..did you do?" Britain's eyes widen. "Not much, actually...Just cleaning."

     "Oh! I almost forgot, I have a little present for you, I know its not the pesticide that I made you drink before but I think its more fun and exciting." Clara said took the syringe out of her sleeves. She tests the needle and it seems working fine. "Isn't it beautiful?" She asked. "I know a person who loves this kind of thing...Melati was it?" Clara said. "Stay away from me..." He muttered and tried to stand up but since he just got from the incident. Britain is not in itself right now. Clara dash towards him and held his neck. "Not gonna lie, you're the most gentleman person I know and it annoys me.."


The Rondo of Madness [2019] | 2p!Hetalia Philippines FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now